390.1115A/1600: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland (Harrison)
Washington, June 5,
1337. American interests—Shanghai. Your 3277, May 29.
- 1.
- As indicated in Department’s telegrams no. 1695, July 3; no. 2641, November 25; and no. 601, March 12,69 paragraph 15 of instruction 1202, February 1470 is not intended to decrease the basic monthly maximum applicable under paragraphs 7 and 9, nor are internees or prisoners of war excluded from benefits of paragraph 2, if detaining Power fails to provide such benefits.
- 2.
- However, as the United States and Japanese Governments have obligated themselves to apply provisions of Geneva Prisoners of War Convention to the treatment of civilian internees in so far as its provisions are adaptable and since Article 76 of that Convention provides that belligerents shall see that prisoners of war dying in captivity are honorably buried, this Government has assumed costs of burial of civilian internees in the United States. In this connection Swiss Consul at Shanghai should be informed of contents of Department’s 79 of January 11 and your 1853 of March 23.
- None printed.↩
- Foreign Relations, 1942, vol. i, p. 262.↩