File No. 763.72/5121

The Acting Secretary of State to the Brazilian Ambassador ( Da Gama)

No. 135

Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of June 4, by which, in pursuance of instructions from the President of Brazil, you inform me of the enactment of a law revoking Brazil’s declaration of neutrality in the war between the United States and Germany, and request me to convey to this Government the sentiments of unalterable friendship of the Brazilian people and Government.

I have received with profound gratification this notification of the friendly cooperation of Brazil in the efforts of the United States to assist in the perpetuation of the principles of free government and the preservation of the agencies for the amelioration of the sufferings and losses of war, so slowly and toilfully built up during the emergence of mankind from barbarism.

Your Government’s invaluable contribution to the cause of American solidarity, now rendered more important than ever as a protection to civilization and a means of enforcing the laws of humanity, is highly appreciated by the United States.

[Page 301]

I shall be glad if you will be good enough to convey to the President, the Government, and the people of Brazil, the thanks of this Government and people for their course, so consistent with the antecedents of your great and free nation and so important in its bearing on issues which are vital to the welfare of all the American republics.

Requesting that you will also assure your Government and people of most cordial reciprocation by the Government and people of the United States of their assurances of friendship, always so greatly valued, and now happily rendered still warmer and closer by the action of Brazil. I avail myself [etc.]

Frank L. Polk