File No. 882.51/361.

The Acting Secretary of State to the German Ambassador.

No. 656.]

Excellency: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the confidential memorandum of the 22d ultimo in which your excellency was good enough to indicate the gist of a communication from the French Government and of the proposed reply and at the same time to express the desire of the Imperial German Government to consult the Government of the United States as to the latter.

Without venturing any comment upon the terms of paragraph 2 of the proposed reply of the Imperial German Government, which is designed to reflect the attitude of the Government of the United States, upon the subject of the location of receivers of customs in Liberia, and in order that your excellency’s Government may be the more fully and frankly informed of the views of the American Government, I have the honor to enclose herewith for the confidential information of your excellency’s Government copy of the reply of the Department to a representation on the part of the Government of France.1 I may add that a copy of the same communication has been transmitted to the British Government, which has manifested an interest in the point under discussion, in order that the views of the United States may be equally known to the three Governments immediately concerned in the subject of your excellency’s memorandum.

Accept [etc.]

Huntington Wilson.
  1. The note of May 15, supra.