Wreck of the British vessel Titanic; consular disposition of effects of the deceased; recognition of the services of Captain Rostron. 1

1. For a detailed narrative of this disaster, see the report of the Senate Committee on Commerce, No. 806, 62d Congress, 2d session (with File No. 841.857 T53); also the report of the British Court of Inquiry (File No. 841.857 T53/108).

Note.—At 10.13 p.m. (New York time) April 14, 1912, the White Star liner Titanic, west bound, with 2,201 persons aboard, struck an iceberg while steaming at from 22 to 24 miles per hour, at latitude North 41.46, longitude West 50.14, near Cape Race, and foundered two hours and forty minutes later.

The President and the Secretary of State received on April 15 and 16 expressions of condolence from the Governments of Argentina, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Cuba, Dominican Republic, France, Great Britain (and the British Colonies), Guatemala, Honduras, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Persia, Peru, Portugal (and Lourenco Marquez), Russia, Salvador, Siam, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Uruguay and Venezuela.

Certain correspondence ensued relating to the jurisdiction of American consuls in regard to the transportation of bodies, as follows.

[667] The American Consul General at Halifax to the Secretary of State.

File No. 841.857 T53/31.

[668] The Secretary of State to the American Consul General at Halifax.

File No. 841.857 T53/31.

[669] The American Consul General at Halifax to the Secretary of State.

File No. 841.857 T53/41.

[670] The Acting Secretary of State to the American Consul General at Halifax.

File No. 841.857 T53/41.

[671] The American Consul General at Halifax to the Secretary of State.

File No. 841.857 T53/50.

[672] The Secretary of State to the British Ambassador.

File No. 841.857 T53/112A.

[673] The British Ambassador to the Secretary of State.

File No. 841.857 T53/113.