File No. 819.74/18.

The Acting Secretary of the Navy to the Secretary of State.

Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of June 29, 1912, enclosing a copy of a despatch from the American Minister at Panama stating that he will use his influence against the erection of radio stations in Panama, and citing an inquiry from the Panaman Minister for Foreign Affairs as to whether some arrangement could not be made relative to the disposition of the radio apparatus purchased by the Panama Government for erection on the National Theatre in Panama City.

In reply I have the honor to reiterate the opinion of this Department that it would be prejudicial to the military and naval interests of our Government to have radio stations erected and operated by private individuals or by the Panaman Government. Pursuant to a decision of your Department that it would not be necessary to secure permission from the Government of Panama to erect coastal radio stations in Panama as one of the means of preserving the integrity of the Republic, this Department will undertake to ascertain the electrical conditions in certain localities along the coast of Panama, and when appropriation is available, will erect the above-mentioned coastal stations.

Referring to the inquiry of the Panaman Minister for Foreign Affairs, I have the honor to request that you convey to his Government the information that this Department is ready to take over the radio apparatus purchased for use on the National Theatre in Panama City at the price named if, upon inspection, the apparatus is found to be as represented and in good condition.

Respectfully yours,

Beekman Winthrop.