No. 31.
Mr. Mathews to Mr. Fish.
Tangier, September 28, 1874. (Received November 4.)
Sir: I have the honor to inform you that, with a view to preventing the introduction of plague into this country, the Morocco board of health has passed a resolution that a representation shall be made by each of the foreign representatives to their respective governments, recommending that authority be given to consular officers in the East to refuse to deliver bills of health to vessels conveying pilgrims returning from the Hedjaz to Morocco, and that similarly, consular officers in Morocco be authorized to refuse to issue bills of health to vessels carrying pilgrims from Moorish ports.
The Morocco board of health is composed of the foreign representatives, who have been specially empowered by the Sultans for the purpose.
It is stated that plague has generally been brought into Morocco by pilgrims returning from the East, and it is reasonably feared, that, unless some measure be adopted in Morocco, as has recently been done by the French authorities in Algeria, to put a stop to pilgrimages to Mecca during the present year, the plague will again enter Morocco, and from thence spread into the neighboring countries of Europe.
It is in vain to expect that here the Moorish government will forbid the pilgrimage to the holy places of Islam, as such a course would be regarded as contrary to the precepts of their religion. The only means, then, of attaining this object is that suggested by the Morocco board of health, namely, to take steps to prevent foreign vessels carrying pilgrims, Morocco having no vessels, either mercantile or of war, of her own.
It becomes therefore important, should the measure recommended by this board of health receive your sanction, that the necessary authority be given to the consular officers in Morocco at the earliest opportunity.
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I have, &c.,