No. 30.
Mr. Mathews to Mr. Fish.
Tangier, September 21, 1874. (Received October 23.)
Sir: I have the honor to transmit to you herewith the translation of a letter which I have received from Cid Mohamed Bargash, in reply to the note which, in concert with the other foreign representatives, I addressed to him on the 24th ultimo,* in regard to the state of affairs existing at Tangier.
You will observe that the Pasha has been recalled to the Court, and that Cid Aly Mesfeeroy, one of the Sultan’s secretaries, who has been sent to Tangier to investigate into the claims of foreign subjects against governors and shicks, has been appointed temporarily to rule over the Kabyles.
The Pasha, Kaid Mohamed Emkished, left Tangier yesterday for the Sultan’s Court.
I have, &c.,