Mr. Arrazola to Mr. Tassara.
Most Excellent Sir: I transmit, by royal order, to your excellency a copy of the note I sent to the United States chargé d’affaires in reply to one from him, informing me of Mr. Lincoln’s assassination, who was President of the republic, and of the attempt on the life of Mr. Seward, Secretary of State. Struck with the greatest indignation at such atrocious and horrid crimes, her Majesty’s government hastens to express to the representative of the United States at this court the profound sorrow produced upon the mind of the Queen and her ministers by the death of the distinguished statesman that has filled the whole country with mourning.
I hope Mr. Perry will not delay to communicate the mentioned note to his government, and, besides this, her Majesty desires you to approach Mr. Lincoln’s successor in person, and confirm the sentiments expressed in the note, assuring him that the Spanish government cherishes the hope that the sad event, the subject of this despatch, may not produce a change of the friendly relations now existing between Spain and your republic.
May God grant you many years.