Señor Tassara to Mr. Hunter
New York, June 9 1865.
The undersigned, minister plenipotentiary of her Catholic Majesty, has the honor to address the honorable Acting Secretary of State, informing him, in the [Page 536] name of his government, of the profound horror and indignation felt by the crown, the representatives, and the Spanish people, at the news of the assassination of the late President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, and the attack upon the person of the honorable Secretary of State, Mr. William H. Seward.
The following accompanying documents are evidence of this sentiment: No. 1 is a copy of a communication, dated May 1, from her Majesty’s first secretary of state, transmitting to the undersigned a note of the 21st of April, in reply to one from the United States chargé d’affaires of the same date announcing that sad event; No. 2 is a copy of another communication of the 9th of May, containing two resolutions on the same sad subject, adopted unanimously by the Cortes.
As the honorable Acting Secretary will see, the undersigned presents himself personally to the Chief Magistrate of the republic to express these sentiments.
The undersigned regrets that indisposition has retained him in New York, and thus prevented him from presenting these documents sooner, though they might have been delivered to the Department of State in another way.
It is scarcely neccessary to add that the undersigned sympathizes deeply with the government and people of the United States under these distressing circumstances, and hopes the honorable Acting Secretary of State will give him an opportunity to fulfil the charge of his government towards the President of this republic.
The undersigned embraces this occasion of renewing to the honorable Acting Secretary of State the assurances of his most distinguished consideration.
Hon. Acting secretary of state of the United States.