Governor of Guerrero
My Dear Sir: The Golden City, arriving in your port on the 29th ultimo, with her flag at half mast, announced with this sign of mourning, even before coming to her moorings, one of the most treacherous murders that history will record. So it was, indeed. The periodicals received come to announce to us, with their columns clad in mourning, the assassination of the President of the United States, Abraham Lincoln, and the dangerous wounds of the honorable Secretary of State, Mr. William H. Seward.
Suffering under the terrible impression which this calamity has produced upon the inhabitants of this State, and to myself, I address you these lines as the sincere expression of my deep sorrow for the great loss the people of the United States have sustained in the person of their first Magistrate.
With distinguished appreciation, I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Mr. Gilbert M. Cole,
United States Consul at Acapulco,