The Society of the Workmen of Spezia.
Citizen: The Society of the Workmen of Spezia are powerfully affected by the news of the infamous assassination committed on the honored person of President Lincoln, and on that of his worthy minister, Seward. This information, [Page 465] which, with reason, has saddened all humanity, and which has given birth to a feeling of horror towards the assassin and his accomplices, could not otherwise but find a painful echo in the hearts of the working classes in this city. Representative citizen, Lincoln also was a workman—workman for all humanity; his aim, the abolition of slavery, the fraternizing of races—liberty!
The memory of the great citizen cannot die; and the memory of this second Washington will remain sadly everlasting, not only in the New, but also in the Old World.
The workmen, members of this society, who have draped their flag in mourning in consideration of this great affliction, address you, sir, expressing to you and to your fellow-countrymen the feelings of their grief. At the same time that they express these sentiments, coming from their very hearts, they make the warmest wishes for the triumph of the great principle of emancipation from slavery, the Union of America, and the prosperity of her glorious people.
From the hall of the working classes at Spezia.
For the society:
- LUIGE URBINI, President.
- G. SISMONDI, Secretary.
The Honorable Representative Citizen
of the people of the United States of America, city of