Municipal Council of Spezia


Sir: The common council of this city, during its sitting of yesterday, agreeing to the proposition made by the members, Mr. Lorenzo Chiappeti, Mr. Paul Crezza, and Mr. Cesare De Negro, and having draped in mourning their national flag, now floating from this building during the sitting of the council, have voted to the government of the United States of America, and in particular to the present consul, William T. Rice, as also to the United States naval storekeeper, Colonel William L. Long, who both so worthily possess the esteem and the kindest regard of all our citizens, an address expressing their sincere sympathy at the mournful event which deprived that nation of the great restorer of her liberty.

The undersigned, therefore, beg to express to the representative of the American nation in this city their feelings of sympathy and of grief, in which all members of this council unite, at the loss of this great man.

In conclusion, the writer begs to forward to you, sir, this present communication, trusting that you will accept and forward to your government, so ably represented by yourself and by the much esteemed Colonel Long, the assurance of the sincere sympathy and feelings of condolence which the undersigned, in the name of the municipal corps, now present to you.



The Honorable W. T. Rice,
United States Consul, Spezia.