Municipal Council of Perth

Resolutions passed at a meeting held by the town council of the city of Perth.

At Perth, and within the Town Hall thereof, Monday, the first day of May, eighteen hundred and sixty-five, at ten o’clock, forenoon, sederunt in council— John Vetemp, esq, present, lord provost of the city of Perth, &c.—

On the motion of the lord provost, it was

Unanimously resolved, That the town council of the city of Perth record the heartfelt concurrence with which they and the people of this locality, in common with the whole of the British nation, reprobate with abhorrence the foul crime which has recently been committed in and against the United States of America by the assassination of Mr. Lincoln, the twice elected President of that great nation; and that the council express their participation in the grief which the sad event has universally created. The crime is atrocious from every point of view, eminently dangerous to society, and deeply distressing to the relatives of the exalted victim, as well as to the great community over which he presided with so much justice, intelligence and ability.

And resolved, That the council offer their condolence and sincere expressions [Page 317] of sympathy with the American people and relatives of the deceased President, by forwarding an extract of the present resolutions to his excellency the American ambassador in London.

Extracted by

Joint Town Clerk.