Inhabitants of Kingston, Jamaica

Kingston, Jamaica.

Resolutions passed at a meeting held by the citizens of Kingston, Jamaica.

At a numerous meeting of the inhabitants of Kingston, Jamaica, held at the Tabernacle Parade, on Thursday, 1st of June, 1865, to give expression of deep sympathy with the United States of America, which have suffered sad bereavement by the assassination of their late distinguished President, Abraham Lincoln, George W. Gordon, esq., was unanimously called to the chair, and the following resolutions were passed.

Moved by Mr. W. K. Smith; seconded by Rev. Mr. Dingwall:

Resolved, 1st. That this meeting records with profound grief the overwhelming calamity which has afflicted the cause of humanity and freedom, and also the civilized world, by the tragical and sad manner in which the most useful and valuable life of the great and justly beloved President of the United States of America, Abraham Lincoln, was suddenly terminated by the barbarous act of an unscrupulous assassin.

Moved by Rev. Mr. Crole; seconded by Mr. J. Williamson:

Resolved, 2d. That this meeting desires to express its sense of gratitude to the [Page 249] memory of the late lamented President of the United States, and also to his surviving Secretary, the Hon. W. H. Seward, for their discreet, untiring, and successful labors in the most critical crisis of American history, and during which protracted period, by their persevering and courageous efforts, they were able to subdue a most stubborn and unnatural rebellion, and, by the mercy of God, defended the cause of truth and righteousness to an extent which shall hand down their memories to posterity with lustre on the pages of history.

Moved by Mr. A. Herse, of the United States of America; seconded by Mr W. H. Bercley:

Resolved, 3d. That this meeting congratulates the Hon. W. H. Seward on the narrow escape of his life from the hand of the base ruffian who sought his destruction on a bed of sickness, and thanks God for this token of mercy to Mr. Seward, whose life it is hoped may be yet long spared for future usefulness to his fellow-creatures; and when it may please God to remove him from this present sphere of labors may he receive the welcome approbation of his Heavenly Benefactor.

Moved by Rev. J. F. Roach; seconded by Mr. J. Gordon:

Resolved, 4th That this meeting glories in the fact, and humbly acknowledges with devout gratitude the hand of Almighty God, in the near approach of the entire abolition of slavery in America, and trusts that a similar blessing awaits, at an early period, all other slaveholding countries.

Moved by Mr. J. Goldson; seconded by Mr. W. Harris:

Resolved, 5th. That a copy of the foregoing resolutions and the address herewith be signed by the chairman and secretary and forwarded to the President, and also a copy of the resolutions to Mrs. Lincoln and the Hon. W. H. Seward, in the most acceptable manner, and the chairman, the Rev. J. F. Roach, Rev. J. H. Crole, and Messrs. M. A. Hearse and W. K. Smith be a committee for such purpose.

Moved by Mr. J. G. Surgeon; seconded by Mr. M. A. Hearse:

Resolved, 6th. That a copy of these resolutions be sent to each of the newspapers of this island, and to the New York Herald, and also to the London Times.

Moved by Mr. M. A. Hearse; seconded by Mr. W. K. Smith:

Resolved, 7th. That the thanks of the meeting be tendered to the chairman for the able manner in which he presided over the meeting.

  • GEO. W. GORDON, Chairman.
  • JNO H. CROLE, Secretary.