Methodist Episcopal Church in Canada
Address of the Niagara annual conference of the M. E. church in Canada to Mr. Johnson.
We, the ministers composing the Niagara annual conference of the Methodist Episcopal church in Canada, desire to express our heartfelt sympathy with Mrs. Lincoln and family, yourself, and the people of the United States of America, because of the melancholy death of the lamented late President Lincoln, who was assassinated in the prime of life, and at a period in the history of the republic when he appeared to be the mainspring of the nation.
We feel that in the demise of Mr. Lincoln his country lost a patriot, and the whole civilized world a friend.
The cause and spirit of the execrable southern rebellion, which evidently dictated the barbarous crime, as well as: he assassin who attempted the destruction of the Hon. W. H. Seward and sons, and succeeded in killing President Lincoln, deserve the reprobation of the universal brotherhood of mankind.
Our sincere prayer to Almighty God is, that He may console Mrs. Lincoln and family under their bereavement; preserve the life of the present Chief Magistrate of the republic, and direct him and his administration to such wise conclusions as shall fully restore the Union, extinguish slavery, and give permanent peace to the nation.
Office at Ingersoll, Canada West.
His Excellency Andrew Johnson,
President of the United States of America.