Working Classes of Ipswich

Resolutions passed at public meeting of the working classes, held in the borough of Ipswich, in the county of Suffolk, May 22, 1865.

sympathy with america.

First resolution: That this meeting desires to express the detestation and profound sorrow with which it regards the assassination of President Lincoln, and the barbarous attack on Mr. Seward, and to offer its sympathy and heartfelt condolence with Mrs. Lincoln, President Johnson, the government, and the people of the United States.

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Second resolution: That this meeting, while it deeply laments the loss of President Lincoln, at a time when his influence and abilities were most needed to complete the work of slave emancipation in America, confidently trusts that President Johnson and his colleagues, upon whom the conduct of national affairs in America devolves, will succeed in accomplishing that desirable result.

Signed on behalf of the meeting:

(of Burlington Road, Ipswich,) Chairman.

Hon. W. H. Seward,
Secretary to the Government of the United States of America.