Municipal Council of Coventry
Resolution passed at a meeting held by the council of the city of Coventry.
At a meeting of the council of the city of Coventry held at the justice room, St. Mary’s Hall, in the said city, on Tuesday, the 9th day of May, 1865, Robert Harvey Minster, esq., mayor, presiding, it was—
[Page 192]Resolved unanimously, That this council, on this first occasion of its meeting since the receipt of the intelligence from America of the deplorable assassination of President Lincoln, desires to express its cordial sympathy with the government and people of the United States of America under that great calamity, and its horror at the detestable crime.
That this council also desires to express its feelings of deep and respectful sympathy with Mrs. Lincoln in her loss of a husband whose rare virtues under the most trying circumstances the civilized world had learned to recognize and admire.
That a copy of the foregoing resolutions, under the common seal, be presented to the American minister in London.
In testimony whereof the common seal of the said city of Coventry is hereunto affixed this, 9th day of May, 1865.
Mayor of the City of Coventry.