Scotch Rite Lodge
The Ancient Accepted Scotch Rite. Universi terrarum orbis summi architectoris gloria ab ingeniis. Ordo ab chao.
To the Minister of the United States.
Sir: As interpreter of the sentiments of Scotch masonry in France, I must express to you the just indignation and profound sorrow felt by all our lodges on hearing of the odious crime which has deprived North America of her illustrious President, Mr. Lincoln, whom we had the honor to count among our brothers. He had done his duty, hard and difficult as it was, and all that remained for him to accomplish was easy and agreeable. The world saw in him the repairer of all the evils produced by the most sanguinary of civil wars. His words of clemency and benevolence, coming spontaneously from his heart, were eagerly accepted by the world; and the Scotch masons, whose thoughts and acts are directed by the spirit of charity, join in the same hope of all generous souls. The blow that felled one man has wounded a whole nation and deprived it of its greatest glory; and, though it has disturbed our happy predictions, we still hope his spirit will rule in the councils of his successor.
Have the kindness to convey to your new President the expression of our fraternal sorrow, and to make known to the unhappy widow our participation in her misfortune. May she find some consolation in the expressions of sympathy that reach her from all quarters of the globe.
We thank you in advance for the favors expected, and ask you to accept the expression of the sentiments with which we have the honor to be, &c.,
Grand Commander of the Scotch Rite, and Member of the French Academy.