Spanish Residents of New York City, New York
Record of proceedings.
In the city of New York, on the 22d day of the month of April, 1865, the Spaniards residents of said city assembled at the Lafarge Hotel to bear witness publicly to the part they take in the sorrow of this republic of the United States, by reason of the tragical and lamentable events of the 14th instant.
The meeting having come to order, and Don Rafael Alvarez being appointed secretary thereof, the consul of her Majesty delivered the following address:
Gentlemen: This meeting has for its object to give a public demonstration of the sorrow and indignation which has been caused to all of us by the horrible outrages committed at Washington, on the night of the 14th instant, on the person of Mr. Lincoln, the Chief Magistrate of the United States, with which our country is in the best relations of peace and friendship; to condemn in the most solemn manner the wicked attempt at assassination made against the persons of the Secretary of State, Mr. Seward, and his son; to manifest our sympathies with the American people; to associate ourselves in the public sorrow for the loss which the country has just suffered, and to offer our most sincere condolence to the family of the deceased Mr. Lincoln.
It is a mournful duty of humanity that we are called on to discharge, without being in any manner influenced by the spirit of party, being, as we have been and are, strangers to the untoward war which has for more than four years afflicted this country.
The secretary, Don Rafael Alvarez, then read the following resolutions:
The Spaniards resident in the city of New York have this day assembled to bear witness publicly to the indignation and sorrow which has been caused to them by the horrible crime committed on the person of President Abraham Lncoln, which has filled the people of the United States with grief, and have agreed to adopt the resolutions following:
That they energetically condemn the horrible and cowardly assassination of President Abraham Lincoln.
That they sincerely sympathize with the people of the United States, and participate with them in the sorrow produced by the great loss they have just suffered in the death of their Chief Magistrate.
That they offer the most earnest wishes for the close of the war which now afflicts the United States, and that peace and prosperity may be re-established among them.
That they offer the most sincere condolence to the family of the deceased Mr. Lincoln, and share in the profound grief in which they are plunged by the great loss they have just suffered.
That they lament and solemnly condemn the iniquitous attempt at assassination made on the person of the Honorable William H. Seward, Secretary of State, and on that of his son, Mr. F. W. Seward, and pray the Almighty for the prompt restoration of the health of both, that they may again take charge charge of the Department of State, which they have so ably and with such good results conducted during four years.
That for such cause they earnestly press upon Mr. Seward and his son the offer of their sympathies, to which they are so well entitled.
That these resolutions be transmitted to his excellency the minister of Spain at Washington, that he may please to communicate them officially to the government of the United States, to the family of Mr. Lincoln, and that of the [Page 673] Secretary of State, as the true expression of the feelings of the Spaniards resident in New York, who do not hesitate to make assurance that they are also those of all the people of Spain.
Consul of her Majesty. - RAFAEL ALVAREZ, Secretary.