Portuguese Residents of New York City, New York
New York, April 26, 1865
At a meeting of Portuguese citizens, held at the consulate general of Portugal, on the afternoon of the 26th April, 1865, to give expressions of their feelings at the atrocious act committed on the President of the United States, the following resolutions were passed:
- 1.
- That the assassination of Abraham Lincoln has awakened the highest indignation among the Portuguese population of the United States.
- 2.
- That we, Portuguese, hereby offer to the people of the United States our sincerest sympathy on the loss of the Chief Magistrate of the country.
- 3.
- That to the family of the late President we also offer a tribute of our deepest grief for the irreparable loss they have sustained.
- 4.
- That we profoundly regret the attempt made on the lives of the Secretary of State, Mr. William H. Seward, and that of his son, Mr. F. W. Seward, offering our sincerest wishes for the recovery of both.
- 5.
- That we also offer our ardent wishes for peace and prosperity to the United States under its new administration.
- 6.
- That these resolutions be forwarded to the legation of Portugal, to be transmitted to the government of the United States, to the family of Abraham Lincoln, to the Secretary of State, Mr. William H. Seward, and to his son.