Great Britain and dependencies

[489] Grand Trunk Railroad Company

[490] Luton Local Board of Health

[493] Methodist New Connection Conference at Lynden, Canada West

[494] Municipal Council of Margate

[496] Municipal Council of Macclesfield

[497] Municipal Council of Maidstone

[498] Municipal Council of Maldon

[499] Municipal Council of Musselburgh

[501] Municipal Council of Manchester

[502] Inhabitants of Manchester

[503] Inhabitants of Manchester

[506] Union and Emancipation Society of Manchester

[507] British Temperance League

[508] Sons of Temperance

[511] Inhabitants of Mossley

[512] Inhabitants of Merthyr Tydfil

[513] Inhabitants of Merthyr Tydfil

[514] Polish and Hungarian Refugees in Melbourne

[515] Municipal Council of Melbourne

[516] Municipal Council of Montreal

[517] Inhabitants of Montreal

[518] New England Society of Montreal
