Inhabitants of Manchester

Resolutions of sympathy with the Hon. William H. Seward, Secretary of State, Washington.

At a public meeting of citizens of Manchester, held in the Free Trade Hall, April 28, 1865, to express sympathy and condolence with Mrs. Lincoln and the American nation on the assassination of the late President of the United States, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:

Moved by Dr. John Watts, seconded by Mr. Edward Hooson—

Resolved, That this meeting also desires to record an expression of profound sympathy with the Hon. William H. Seward and the members of his family, in regard to the atrocious attempt to assassinate that distinguished and able statesman whilst lying in a helpless condition on a bed of sickness; and this meeting earnestly hopes that the foul attempt may not have proved successful, but that Mr. Seward may soon be restored to health and vigor, to render efficient service in the government of his great nation, under a restored Union based on the eternal principles of freedom, justice, and equal rights to men of all races.

Signed on behalf of the meeting: