231. Telegram From the Acting Secretary of State to the Embassy in Vietnam1

220. Saigon 310 repeated Paris 87 Geneva 6 London 34 Ottawa 32 New Delhi 31 Phnom Penh 25 Vientiane 26 Hanoi 36;2 New Delhi 137 repeated Geneva 11 Paris 18 Ottawa 2 London 9 Saigon 6 Moscow 9.3

We are concerned ICC decision, especially coming during Summit talks, and had hoped prompt action by Vietnamese Government might head off ICC request instructions from co-Chairmen. Although [Page 491] matter already referred Geneva, suggest Reinhardt recommend Diem immediately issue public expression regret for irresponsible demonstrations and address letters along same lines to ICC and Governments of foreign nationals affected.4 Reinhardt might also state our belief ICC serves useful function, particularly in helping prevent resumption hostilities, deterring Viet Minh subversion in South, and enabling refugees reach Free Viet-Nam, and that Vietnamese interests not served by actions antagonizing Canadian Indian members Commission.

FYI: We believe ICC also of use as international body which would be neutral observer already on spot in case of Viet Minh aggression. End FYI.

Recommend Ottawa and New Delhi inform External Affairs we trust Nehru in requesting instructions co-Chairmen based on “Vietnamese anti-ICC position” has nothing precipitate in mind. Stress importance ICC effort and need of its presence Viet-Nam. Suggest you add we understand Vietnamese Government has initiated steps rectify situation. This would seem to counsel patience on part all Governments concerned.

London requested tell Foreign Office we hope, if co-Chairmen requested give instructions, UK will take position recommending no referral other Geneva Powers and no publicity, and urging present ICC efforts maintain peace in Indochina be continued.

For Saigon: We are interested in knowing what Diem’s ultimate intentions are with respect ICC. Request your assessment when sufficient indicators available. Department desires your comprehensive analysis situation soon as possible. Repeat all telegrams Geneva while Secretary there.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751G.00/7–2055. Secret; Niact. Drafted by Byrne and cleared with PSA and FE. Sent also priority to London, Ottawa, and New Delhi; repeated for information to Paris, Geneva, Phnom Penh, Vientiane, and Hanoi.
  2. In this telegram, July 20, the Embassy reported that large-scale rioting had broken out in Saigon against representatives of the ICC and that the Commission had terminated its sessions and requested instruction from the two Geneva cochairmen in view of South Vietnam’s instigation of the mob violence. (Ibid.)
  3. In this telegram, July 20, Indian officials relayed to the American Embassy details of the anti-ICC rioting in Saigon and a request from Nehru that the United States urge Diem to maintain order and security in Saigon. (Ibid.)
  4. This Reinhardt did on July 20, Saigon time. (Telegram 341 from Saigon, July 21; ibid., 751G.00/7–2155)