683.84A/7–2052: Telegram

No. 457
The Ambassador in Israel (Davis) to the Department of State1


100. Embtel 95, July 18.2 Last night took opportunity in conversation with Sharett to express hope there wld be no acts of reprisal as result murder Israeli watchmen at copper mine. He replied he had long been on record as opposed to reprisals on both moral and policy grounds. We discussed evidences of reprisal mindedness mil and public, who are inclined feel reprisals only means hold down Arab attacks.

While above undoubtedly represents FonMin’s personal views, it is evident he has found it difficult restrain above elements in mil in past and it remains to be seen whether he can have greater success in future.

  1. Repeated to Jerusalem, London, Paris, Ankara, Baghdad, Cairo, Amman, Damascus, and Beirut; sent by pouch to Jidda.
  2. Telegram 95 from Tel Aviv, July 18, 4 p.m., stated that the killing early that week of five Israeli watchmen guarding copper mines in the Negev about 17 kilometers north of Elath was the latest in a series of recent developments agitating official circles in Tel Aviv. (683.84A/7–1852)