21. Notes of a Meeting1


  • The President, Secretary Shultz, Don Regan

Where we are w/Soviets

Have process in motion comes from Geneva summit.

At this round modest progress. Tone more businesslike. Mvt. on substance as well.

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Soviets accepted our proposal we tablulate when we agree/disagree.

Will buy 4,500 ballistic missile ceiling.

Regional dialogue—Armacost to Moscow,2 and we will probe Afghan.

P. Are we going to have a summit?

G.S. Getting to point where human rights not a block.

P. No bows or credit when they turn people loose.

G.S. Soviets want high level meeting. Want me come to Moscow. We should structure things for visit in late March or early April. If these productive meeting, it is a basis for summit.

G.S. Need regain initiative w/coordinated step to assert our agenda.

Clarify for Soviets and encourages them move in our direction.

We want entice them finish START and INF and accept agreement w/space compatible w/SDI going forward.

Preview INF treaty in letter to Gorbachev. Armacost set stage for visit by G.S.

President review progress, give a vision beyond 2 years and identify practical steps.

Timing should coordinate w/private initiatives.

[Omitted here are discussions unrelated to the Soviet Union.]

  1. Source: Reagan Library, Carlucci Files, Secretary Shultz (01/21/87–03/12/87). No classification marking. Presumably drafted by Carlucci. The meeting took place in the Oval Office at the White House and lasted from 1:32 to 2:06 p.m. (Reagan Library, President’s Daily Diary)
  2. For Armacost’s report to Shultz, see Document 26. Further documentation on Armacost’s conversations in Moscow is scheduled for publication in Foreign Relations, 1981–1988, vol. XXXV, Afghanistan, 1985–1989.