208. Memorandum From the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Equal Employment Opportunity (Burroughs) to the Deputy Under Secretary of State for Management (Read)1


  • Status of Minority Women


  • My Memos of February 24, 1978 (Status of Women) and March 8, 1978 (Status of Minorities)2

Minority women have become the object of special focus in recent years because many minority women perceive themselves as victims of double discrimination. It is generally conceded that while non-minority women have made some progress toward equality in our society, minority women have not kept pace. The Civil Service Commission (CSC) has therefore asked federal agencies to evaluate their employment profiles in terms of minority women—implying, of course, that affirmative action be taken to remedy shortcomings.

We have developed two statistical studies:

Tab A—Women Employees By Minority and Non-Minority Categories

Tab B—Minority Employees By Sex

Minority women (1,245) constitute 9.8% of our total workforce (12,743) as of December 31, 1977 (up 151 or 0.9% from December 31, 1975—the first such study ever done at State to the best of our knowledge).

According to Department of Labor statistics, minority women constitute about 7% of the national workforce. That figure would be higher if unemployment among minorities were not as high as it is but, in any event, our overall figure of 9.8% seems superficially good.

By pay plan, however, once again we have startling disparity. Minority women in the FSO Corps are 0.7% of total FSO’s (up 0.2% in two years), 2.8% of FSR’s (down 0.2%), 1.4% of FSRU’s (up 0.9%), 3.8% of FSS/FSSO’s (up 0.5%), and 2.2% (up 0.2%) of all FS (or a mere 195 of 9,036). In absolutes, minority women in all FS pay plans grew by 19 since 1975.

[Page 866]

On the other hand, minority women in the GS/GG plans grew by 132 in the same period. They now constitute 29.9% of GS (up 2.0% in two years), 10.2% of GG (up 0.7%) and 28.3% (up 2.0%) of combined GS/GG (or 1,050 of 3,707).

Obviously minority women are severely underrepresented in the Foreign Service, a pay plan that should reflect our country’s diversity around the world, and it could be argued that minority women are overrepresented in the less prestigious domestic pay plans.

The news gets worse as we focus on levels. Not a single minority woman above GS-13 (no change in two years). Only one above GG-10 (no change). 56.9% of GS/GG minority women (597 of 1,050) are at GS/GG-6 and below—vs. 44.8% for our non-minority women, 40.9% for minority men, and 19.5% for non-minority men. Two years ago 54.5% of our minority women (500 of 918) were at GS/GG-6 and below, which means retrogression of 2.4% as of December 31, 1977. We have been accused of maintaining ante-bellum plantations; these statistics make it difficult to argue that point.

On the Foreign Service side, we have only one minority woman (FSR-2) at the senior level (0.1% of the total workforce at that level—no change in two years). The middle level shows an increase of 0.1% (up from 1.1% to 1.2%), the junior level grew by 0.2% (from 3.3% to 3.5%), and the support level grew by 0.8% (from 2.7% to 3.5%). In contrast to GS/GG, Foreign Service minority women at the support level are 11.8% of their total—vs. 20.6% for non-minority women, 4.5% for minority men, and 2.3% for non-minority men. Two years ago, 9.1% of FS minority women were at the support level (up 2.7% as of December 31, 1977).


This last report is probably the most dismal of the three EEO profiles submitted to you. I recognize that we, as an institution, can’t be all things to all people, yet minority women may indeed be justified in feeling double jeopardy. Once again well-calculated recruitment and upward mobility programs are sorely needed.

[Page 867]

Tab A

Table Prepared in the Office of Equal Employment Opportunity3


[Page 868] [Page 869] [Page 870] [Page 871]
Total Pop. Total Non-Minority Minority
No. Percent No. Percent No. Percent
CM 39
FSO/R/RU–1, & GS/GG–18/17 456 12 2.6 12 2.6
–2 –16 565 23 4.1 22 3.9 1 0.2
Sub Total 1,060 35 3.3 34 3.2 1 0.1
FSO/R/RU–3, FSSO–1, & GS/GG–15/14 1,237 123 9.9 117 9.4 6 0.5
–4 –2 –13 1,468 198 13.5 186 12.7 12 0.8
–5 –3 –12 1,429 326 22.8 271 19.0 55 3.8
Sub Total 4,134 647 15.7 574 13.9 73 1.8
FSO/R/RU–6, FSSO–4, & GS/GG–11/10 1,635 538 32.9 441 27.0 97 5.9
–7 –5 –9/8 1,932 885 45.8 652 33.7 233 12.1
–8 –6/7 –7 1,751 985 56.3 764 43.7 221 12.6
Sub Total 5,318 2,408 45.3 1,857 34.9 551 10.4
FSS–8 & GS/GG–6 969 728 75.1 544 56.1 184 19.0
–9 –5 618 479 77.5 282 45.6 197 31.9
–10 –4/3/2/1 644 509 79.0 270 41.9 239 37.1
Sub Total 2,231 1,716 76.9 1,096 49.1 620 27.8
GRAND TOTAL FS & GS 12,743 4,806 37.7 3,561 27.9 1,245 9.8
CM 39
FSO/R/RU-1 450 11 2.4 11 2.4
–2 543 20 3.7 19 3.5 1 0.2
Sub Total Senior Level 1,032 31 3.0 30 2.9 1 0.1
–3/FSSO–1 1,018 89 8.7 84 8.2 5 0.5
–4 –2 1,310 144 11.0 138 10.5 6 0.5
–5 –3 1,248 236 18.9 205 16.4 31 2.5
Sub Total Middle Level 3,576 469 13.1 427 11.9 42 1.2
–6 –4 1,287 342 26.6 300 23.3 42 3.3
–7 –5 1,255 384 30.6 342 27.3 42 3.3
–8 –6 775 344 44.4 314 40.5 30 3.9
–9 464 238 51.3 223 48.1 15 3.2
Sub Total Junior Level 3,781 1,308 34.6 1,179 31.2 129 3.4
FSS–8 506 353 69.8 335 66.2 18 3.6
–9 100 57 57.0 53 53.0 4 4.0
–10 41 37 90.2 36 87.8 1 2.4
Sub Total Support Level 647 447 69.1 424 65.5 23 3.6
TOTAL FS 9,036 2,255 25.0 2,060 22.8 195 2.2
CM 39
FSO–1 341 8 2.3 8 2.3
–2 310 8 2.6 8 2.6
Sub Total Senior Level 690 16 2.3 16 2.3
–3 655 39 6.0 37 5.7 2 0.3
–4 803 51 6.4 49 6.1 2 0.3
–5 590 85 14.4 70 11.9 15 2.5
Sub Total Middle Level 2,048 175 8.5 156 7.6 19 0.9
–6 397 75 18.9 69 17.4 6 1.5
–7 318 57 17.9 56 17.6 1 0.3
–8 61 14 23.0 14 23.0
Sub Total Junior Level 776 146 18.8 139 17.9 7 0.9
TOTAL FSO 3,514 337 9.6 311 8.9 26 0.7
FSR–1 60 3 5.0 3 5.0
–2 126 6 4.8 5 4.0 1 0.8
Sub Total Senior Level 186 9 4.8 8 4.3 1 0.5
–3 198 19 9.6 18 9.1 1 0.5
–4 285 51 17.9 49 17.2 2 0.7
–5 378 64 16.9 54 14.3 10 2.6
Sub Total Middle Level 861 134 15.6 121 14.1 13 1.5
–6 462 105 22.7 85 18.4 20 4.3
–7 534 110 20.6 87 16.3 23 4.3
–8 183 20 10.9 14 7.6 6 3.3
Sub Total Junior Level 1,179 235 19.9 186 15.8 49 4.1
TOTAL FSR 2,226 378 17.0 315 14.2 63 2.6
FSRU–1 49
–2 107 6 5.6 6 5.6
Sub Total Senior Level 156 6 3.8 6 3.8
–3 108 21 19.4 19 17.6 2 1.8
–4 124 16 12.9 15 12.1 1 0.8
–5 109 38 34.9 36 33.1 2 1.8
Sub Total Middle Level 341 75 22.0 70 20.5 5 1.5
–6 166 31 18.7 26 15.7 5 3.0
–7 95 11 11.6 10 10.5 1 1.1
–8 9 1 11.1 1 11.1
Sub Total Junior Level 270 43 15.9 37 13.7 6 2.2
TOTAL FSRU 767 124 16.2 113 14.8 11 1.4
FSSO–1 57 10 17.5 10 17.5
–2 98 26 26.5 25 25.5 1 1.0
–3 171 49 28.7 45 26.4 4 2.3
Sub Total Middle Level 326 85 26.1 80 24.6 5 1.5
–4 262 131 50.0 120 45.8 11 4.2
–5 308 206 66.9 189 61.4 17 5.5
–6 522 309 59.2 285 54.6 24 4.6
–7 464 238 51.3 223 48.1 15 3.2
Sub Total Junior Level 1,556 884 56.8 817 52.5 67 4.3
FSS–8 506 353 69.8 335 66.2 18 3.6
–9 100 57 57.0 53 53.0 4 4.0
–10 41 37 90.2 36 87.8 1 2.4
Sub Total Support Level 647 447 69.1 424 65.5 23 3.6
TOTAL FSSO/FSS 2,529 1,416 56.0 1,321 52.2 95 3.8
GS/GG–18 2
–17 4 1 25.0 1 25.0
–16 22 3 13.6 3 13.6
Sub Total Senior Level 28 4 14.3 4 14.3
–15 121 19 15.7 18 14.9 1 0.8
–14 98 15 15.3 15 15.3
–13 158 54 34.2 48 30.4 6 3.8
–12 181 90 49.7 66 36.5 24 13.2
Sub Total Middle Level 558 178 31.9 147 26.3 31 5.6
–11 281 146 52.0 100 35.6 46 16.4
–10 67 50 74.6 41 61.2 9 13.4
–9 407 280 68.8 183 45.0 97 23.8
–8 270 221 81.9 127 47.1 94 34.8
–7 512 403 78.7 227 44.3 176 34.4
Sub Total Junior Level 1,537 1,100 71.6 678 44.1 422 27.5
–6 463 375 81.0 209 45.1 166 35.9
–5 518 422 81.5 229 44.2 193 37.3
–4 317 258 81.4 148 46.7 110 34.7
–3 176 134 76.1 59 33.5 75 42.6
–2 94 67 71.3 21 22.3 46 49.0
–1 16 13 81.3 6 37.5 7 43.8
Sub Total Support Level 1,584 1,269 80.1 672 42.4 597 37.7
TOTAL CS 3,707 2,551 68.8 1,501 40.5 1,050 28.3
GS–18 2
–17 3
–16 21 3 14.3 3 14.3
Sub Total Senior Level 26 3 11.5 3 11.5
–15 112 17 15.2 17 15.2
–14 89 15 16.9 15 16.9
–13 143 48 33.6 42 29.4 6 4.2
–12 170 85 50.0 61 35.9 24 14.1
Sub Total Middle Level 514 165 32.1 135 26.3 30 5.8
–11 268 139 51.9 93 34.7 46 17.2
–10 54 44 81.5 36 66.7 8 14.8
–9 377 264 70.0 171 45.3 93 24.7
–8 237 201 84.8 113 47.7 88 37.1
–7 472 370 78.4 197 41.7 173 36.7
Sub Total Junior Level 1,408 1,018 72.3 610 43.3 408 29.0
–6 372 308 82.8 154 41.4 154 41.4
–5 492 403 81.9 213 43.3 190 38.6
–4 316 258 81.6 148 46.8 110 34.8
–3 175 134 76.6 59 33.7 75 42.9
–2 92 67 72.8 21 22.8 46 50.0
–1 16 13 81.3 6 37.5 7 43.8
Sub Total Support Level 1,463 1,183 80.9 601 41.1 582 39.8
TOTAL GS 3,411 2,369 69.5 1,349 39.6 1,020 29.9
–17 1 1 100.0 1 100.0
–16 1
Sub Total Senior Level 2 1 50.0 1 50.0
–15 9 2 22.2 1 11.1 1 11.1
–14 9
–13 15 6 40.0 6 40.0
–12 11 5 45.5 5 45.5
Sub Total Middle Level 44 13 29.5 12 27.3 1 2.2
–11 13 7 53.8 7 53.8
–10 13 6 46.2 5 38.5 1 7.7
–9 30 16 53.3 12 40.0 4 13.3
–8 33 20 60.6 14 42.4 6 18.2
–7 40 33 82.5 30 75.0 3 7.5
Sub Total Junior Level 129 82 63.6 68 52.7 14 10.9
–6 91 67 73.6 55 60.4 12 13.2
–5 26 19 73.1 16 61.6 3 11.5
–4 1
–3 1
–2 2
Sub Total Support Level 121 86 71.1 71 58.7 15 12.4
TOTAL GG 296 182 61.5 152 51.4 30 10.1
CM 39
FSO 3,475 337 9.7 311 8.9 26 0.8
FSR 2,226 378 17.0 315 14.2 63 2.8
FSRU 767 124 16.2 113 14.8 11 1.4
FSSO/FSS 2,529 1,416 56.0 1,321 52.2 95 3.8
TOTAL FOREIGN SERVICE 9,036 2,255 25.0 2,060 22.8 195 2.2
GS 3,411 2,369 69.5 1,349 39.6 1,020 29.9
GG 296 182 61.5 152 51.4 30 10.1
TOTAL CIVIL SERVICE 3,707 2,551 68.8 1,501 40.5 1,050 28.3
GRAND TOTAL 12,743 4,806 37.7 3,561 27.9 1,245 9.8
[Page 872]

Tab B

Table Prepared in the Office of Equal Employment Opportunity4



AS OF 12/31/77

[Page 873] [Page 874] [Page 875] [Page 876]
TotalPop. Total Men Women
No. Percent No. Percent No. Percent
CM 39 1 2.6 1 2.6
FSO/R/RU–1 & GS/GG–18/17 456 10 2.2 10 2.2
–2 –16 565 16 2.8 15 2.6 1 0.2
Sub Total Senior Level 1,060 27 2.5 26 2.4 1 0.1
FSO/R/RU–3, FSSO–1, & GS/GG–15/14 1,237 54 4.4 48 3.9 6 0.5
–4 –2 –13 1,468 79 5.4 67 4.6 12 0.8
–5 –3 –12 1,429 156 10.9 101 7.1 55 3.8
Sub Total Middle Level 4,134 289 7.0 216 5.2 73 1.8
FSO/R/RU–6, FSSO–4, & GS/GG–11/10 1,635 234 14.3 137 8.4 97 5.9
–7 –5 –9/8 1,932 386 20.0 153 7.9 233 12.1
–8 –6 –7 1,751 321 18.3 100 5.7 221 12.6
Sub Total Junior Level 5,318 941 17.7 390 7.3 551 10.4
FSS–8 & GS/GG–6 969 254 26.2 70 7.2 184 19.0
–9 –5 618 256 41.4 59 9.5 197 31.9
–10 –4/3/2/1 644 300 46.6 61 9.5 239 37.1
Sub Total Support Level 2,231 810 36.3 190 8.5 620 27.8
GRAND TOTAL FS & GS 12,743 2,067 16.2 822 6.4 1,245 9.8
CM 39 1 2.6 1 2.6
FSO/R/RU–1 450 10 2.2 10 2.2
–2 543 15 2.8 14 2.6 1 0.2
Sub Total Senior Level 1,032 26 2.5 25 2.4 1 0.1
–3/FSSO–1 1,018 38 3.7 33 3.2 5 0.5
–4–2 1,310 64 4.9 58 4.4 6 0.5
–5–3 1,248 115 9.2 84 6.7 31 2.5
Sub Total Middle Level 3,576 217 6.1 175 4.9 42 1.2
–6–4 1,287 118 9.2 76 5.9 42 3.3
–7–5 1,255 107 8.5 65 5.2 42 3.3
–8–6 775 54 7.0 24 3.1 30 3.9
–7 464 33 7.1 18 3.9 15 3.2
Sub Total Junior Level 3,781 312 8.3 183 4.8 129 3.5
FSS–8 506 33 6.5 15 2.9 18 3.6
–9 100 7 7.0 3 3.0 4 4.0
–10 41 1 2.4 1 2.4
Sub Total Support Level 647 41 6.3 18 2.8 23 3.5
TOTAL FS 9,036 596 6.6 401 4.4 195 2.2
CM 39 1 2.6 1 2.6
FSO–1 341 8 2.3 8 2.3
–2 310 9 2.9 9 2.9
Sub Total Senior Level 690 18 2.6 18 2.6
–3 655 16 2.4 14 2.1 2 0.3
–4 803 31 3.9 29 3.6 2 0.3
–5 590 68 11.5 53 9.0 15 2.5
Sub Total Middle Level 2,048 115 5.6 96 4.7 19 0.9
–6 397 24 6.0 18 4.5 6 1.5
–7 318 2 0.6 1 0.3 1 0.3
–8 61
Sub Total Junior Level 776 26 3.4 19 2.4 7 1.0
TOTAL FSO 3,514 159 4.5 133 3.8 26 0.7
FSR–1 60 1 1.7 1 1.7
–2 126 5 4.0 4 3.2 1 0.8
Sub Total Senior Level 186 6 3.2 5 2.7 1 0.5
–3 198 15 7.6 14 7.1 1 0.5
–4 285 16 5.6 14 4.9 2 0.7
–5 378 28 7.4 18 4.8 10 2.6
Sub Total Middle Level 861 59 6.9 46 5.3 13 1.6
–6 462 55 11.9 35 7.6 20 4.3
–7 534 71 13.3 48 9.0 23 4.3
–8 183 19 10.4 13 7.1 6 3.3
Sub Total Junior Level 1,179 145 12.3 96 8.1 49 4.2
TOTAL FSR 2,226 210 9.4 147 6.6 63 2.8
FSRU–1 49 1 2.0 1 2.0
–2 107 1 0.9 1 0.9
Sub Total Senior Level 156 2 1.3 2 1.3
–3 108 5 4.6 3 2.8 2 1.8
–4 124 13 10.5 12 9.7 1 0.8
–5 109 6 5.5 4 3.7 2 1.8
Sub Total Middle Level 341 24 7.0 19 5.5 5 1.5
–6 166 14 8.4 9 5.4 5 3.0
–7 95 12 12.6 11 11.6 1 1.0
–8 9 1 11.1 1 11.1
Sub Total Junior Level 270 27 10.0 21 7.8 6 2.2
TOTAL FSRU 767 53 6.9 42 5.5 11 1.4
FSSO–1 57 2 3.5 2 3.5
–2 98 4 4.1 3 3.1 1 1.0
–3 171 13 7.6 9 5.3 4 2.3
Sub Total Middle Level 326 19 5.8 14 4.3 5 1.5
–4 262 25 9.5 14 5.3 11 4.2
–5 308 22 7.1 5 1.6 17 5.5
–6 522 34 6.5 10 1.9 24 4.6
–7 464 33 7.1 18 3.9 15 3.2
Sub Total Junior Level 1,556 114 7.3 47 3.0 67 4.3
FSS–8 506 33 6.5 15 3.0 18 3.5
–9 100 7 7.0 3 3.0 4 4.0
–10 41 1 2.4 1 2.4
Sub Total Support Level 647 41 6.3 18 2.8 23 3.5
TOTAL FSSO/FSS 2,529 174 6.9 79 3.1 95 3.8
GS/GG–18 2
–17 4
–16 22 1 4.5 1 4.5
Sub Total Senior Level 28 1 3.6 1 3.6
–15 121 12 9.9 11 9.1 1 0.8
–14 98 4 4.1 4 4.1
–13 158 15 9.5 9 5.7 6 3.8
–12 181 41 22.7 17 9.4 24 13.3
Sub Total Middle Level 558 72 12.9 41 7.3 31 5.6
–11 281 98 34.9 52 18.5 46 16.4
–10 67 18 26.9 9 13.4 9 13.4
–9 407 157 38.6 60 14.7 97 23.9
–8 270 122 45.2 28 10.4 94 34.8
–7 512 234 45.7 58 11.3 176 27.4
Sub Total Junior Level 1,537 629 40.9 207 13.5 422 27.4
–6 463 221 47.7 55 11.9 166 35.8
–5 518 249 48.1 56 10.8 193 37.3
–4 317 126 39.7 16 5.0 110 34.7
–3 176 100 56.8 25 14.2 75 42.6
–2 94 63 67.0 17 18.1 46 48.9
–1 16 10 62.5 3 18.7 7 43.8
Sub Total Support Level 1,584 769 48.5 172 10.9 597 37.6
TOTAL CS 3,707 1,471 39.7 421 11.4 1,050 28.3
GS–18 2
–17 3
–16 21
Sub Total Senior Level 26
–15 112 11 9.8 11 9.8
–14 89 4 4.5 4 4.5
–13 143 15 10.5 9 6.3 6 4.2
–12 170 41 24.1 17 10.0 24 14.1
Sub Total Middle Level 514 71 13.8 41 8.0 30 5.8
–11 268 96 35.8 50 18.7 46 17.1
–10 54 14 25.9 6 11.1 8 14.8
–9 377 147 39.0 54 14.3 93 24.7
–8 237 110 46.4 22 9.3 88 37.1
–7 472 229 48.5 56 11.9 173 36.6
Sub Total Junior Level 1,408 596 42.3 188 13.3 408 29.0
–6 372 202 54.3 48 12.9 154 41.4
–5 492 246 50.0 56 11.4 190 38.6
–4 316 126 39.9 16 5.1 110 34.8
–3 175 100 57.1 25 14.3 75 42.8
–2 92 63 68.5 17 18.5 46 50.0
–1 16 10 62.5 3 18.7 7 43.8
Sub Total Support Level 1,463 747 51.1 165 11.3 582 39.8
TOTAL GS 3,411 1,414 41.5 394 11.6 1,020 29.9
–17 1
–16 1 1 100.0 1 100.0
Sub Total Senior Level 2 1 50.0 1 50.0
–15 9 1 11.1 1 11.1
–14 9
–13 15
–12 11
Sub Total Middle Level 44 1 2.3 1 2.3
–11 13 2 15.4 2 15.4
–10 13 4 30.8 3 23.1 1 7.7
–9 30 10 33.3 6 20.0 4 13.3
–8 33 12 36.4 6 18.2 6 18.2
–7 40 5 12.5 2 5.0 3 7.5
Sub Total Junior Level 129 33 25.6 19 14.7 14 10.9
–6 91 19 20.9 7 7.7 12 13.2
–5 26 3 11.5 3 11.5
–4 1
–3 1
–2 2
Sub Total Support Level 121 22 18.2 7 5.8 15 12.4
TOTAL GG 296 57 19.3 27 9.1 30 10.2
CM 39 1 2.6 1 2.6
FSO 3,475 158 4.5 132 3.8 26 0.7
FSR 2,226 210 9.4 147 6.6 63 2.8
FSRU 767 53 6.9 42 5.5 11 1.4
FSSO/FSS 2,529 174 6.9 79 3.1 95 3.8
TOTAL FOREIGN SERVICE 9,036 596 6.6 401 4.4 195 2.2
GS 3,411 1,414 41.5 394 11.6 1,020 29.9
GG 296 57 19.3 27 9.1 30 10.2
TOTAL CIVIL SERVICE 3,707 1,471 39.7 421 11.4 1,050 28.3
GRAND TOTAL 12,743 2,067 16.2 822 6.4 1,245 9.8
  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Records of the Under Secretary for Management (M), 1977–1978, Box 8, Chron March 1978. No classification marking. Copies were sent to Barnes and Clark.
  2. See Documents 206 and 207.
  3. No classification marking. Source: PER/MGT Quarterly Summary of Employment (Excluded are non-career Chiefs of Mission, FS/GS Unclassified, Consular Agents, Resident Staff, Wage Board, WAE, and Contract).
  4. No classification marking. Source: PER/MGT Quarterly Summary of Employment (Excluded are non-career Chiefs of Mission, FS/GS Unclassified, Consular Agents, Resident Staff, Wage Board, WAE, and Contract).