80. Telegram From the Embassy in Nicaragua to the Department of State1

3862. Subject: FAO Minimum Plan. Ref: A) Managua 3816,2 B) Managua 3599.3

Summary: As noted reftel A, Emb has obtained copy of Broad Opposition Front (FAO) minimum plan. Contrary to information previously reported, text has not yet been publicly released4 perhaps indicating lack of unanimous support by component groups of FAO. Text follows. End summary.

1. Begin quote. The Broad Opposition Front (FAO) explains to the Nicaraguan people the bases upon which the transitional national government demanded by all sectors of the country must be based in the total confrontation of our people with the Somocist dictatorship. A national government constituted to create a “new sociopolitical order making possible humane conditions for the majority of our people in the areas of nutrition, health, education, housing, employment, land salaries, human rights,” as was expressed in the pastoral letter of Nicaragua’s bishops (reftel B).

2. The Broad Opposition Front (FAO) declares in the first place that the information of this national government implies the eradication of the Somocist dictatorship to permit the national government to serve the true interests of the Nicaraguan people and, therefore, it cannot emerge as the result of dialogs with Somocism, pacts and political compromises of military coups behind the back of the people.

3. The Broad Opposition Front (FAO) considers that, for the dismantling of the Somocist power structure and to initiate the democratization of Nicaragua, the national government must, upon its constitu [Page 222] tion, immediately implement a minimum plan which includes the following points.

4. A) Organization of the national army as an entity serving the liberties and interests of the people. Substitution of military regulations inherited from the North American intervention with an organic law for the army which guarantees a just social and economic regime for all classes and soldiers and a national system of promotion and remuneration of officers. Prohibition against the trial of civilians by military. Creation of a police corps strictly separated from the army.

5. B) Eradication of the corruption which has characterized the Somocist dictatorship: fraudulent appropriation of goods; contraband, illicit exemptions and forgiving of taxes; fraud in bids; manipulative advantages in land deals; misuse of state funds; illicit adjudication of loans; unjust actions in government loans and other dirty business, etc.

6. C) Repeal of all laws of political repression and establishment of absolute respect for human rights, especially the dignity and integrity of the person, ending the (word unclear), the disappearances, tortures, illegal captures and the levelling of homes. Repressive organs, such as the office of security and the armed bands disguised as civilians, will be abolished.

7. D) Immediate liberty for all political prisoners and return to the country of all exiles.

8. E) Repeal of all laws repressing free expression and dissemination of thought and freedom of information, beginning with the abolition of the “black code.” (Note: This refers to the radio and television code. End note.)

9. F) Immediate guarantees for free and full labor organization, union and popular, in the city as well as in the countryside; likewise, the right to work; indemnization for years of service; likewise, participation in the profits of the enterprise.

10. G) Initiation of a true, complete agrarian reform serving to establish new and just forms of agrarian production and campesino property.

11. H) Adoption of urgent measures to solve the problems of health and welfare in the cities and countryside, in everything relevant to social security, medial and hospital assistance and protection of children and mothers.

12. I) Immediate attention to the grave problem of collective transportation, organizing it in a humane and efficient form.

13. J) Effective control of prices of basic necessities, including medicines, to avoid shortages and speculation.

14. [K)] Initiation of an effective literacy plan, within an educational system which is truly democratically oriented.

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15. L) Reforms of the fiscal system in a manner assuring equality of tax liability and ending arbitrariness and evasion in the collection of taxes.

16. M) Restructuring of the judicial power to eradicate corruption in the administration of justice and the veniality and submission of judges.

17. N) Full political, economic and administrative autonomy of the municipalities; and restoration of the municipality of Managua, with authorities freely elected by the people.

18. O) Installation of a new political order guaranteeing an electoral process truly free both at the national and municipal levels, without ideological discrimination of any type. End quote.

Comment: The FAO plan is the latest in a series of programs released by “The Twelve”, the ANCPCN (autentico) combination, UDEL and the MDN. Emb will be reporting impressions and comparisons of programs in separate airgram.5

  1. Source: National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D780341–0421. Limited Official Use; Immediate. Sent for information to Guatemala City, San Salvador, Tegucigalpa, and San José.
  2. In telegram 3816 from Managua, August 17, the Embassy reported that the FAO was going to release a “minimum plan.” (National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D780336–0791)
  3. In telegram 3599 from Managua, August 4, the Embassy reported that La Prensa had published excerpts of a pastoral letter calling for the “reorganization of the armed forces” and “a new socio-political order.” (National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D780321–1226)
  4. In telegram 3892 from Managua, August 22, the Embassy reported that the FAO’s sixteen point “minimum plan” had been published in La Prensa on August 21. (National Archives, RG 59, Central Foreign Policy File, D780344–0055)
  5. Not found.