129. Telegram From the Embassy in Saudi Arabia to the Department of State1

3114. Ref: State 149073; Jidda 3059.2 Subj: King and SAG Reaction to Phantom Deliveries.

At meeting September 9, Acting MinState for FonAffs Mas’ud said that he had presented info conveyed Jidda 3059 to King who requested Mas’ud deliver orally following message: “Please emphasize to American Chargé our great regret step taken by USG to provide Phantoms to Israel. This will do far more to exacerbate Middle East problem than to solve it.”3
Mas’ud added King and SAG cannot accept thesis that providing Phantoms to Israel redresses balance of armaments between Israelis and Arabs. Israel now on its “high horse.” It pays no attention to US, or indeed to UN where “in your presence” it flaunts UN decisions. If US truly interested in efforts bring peace to Middle East, Phantom deliveries wrong way to go about it. Mas’ud continued with long tirade against Israel, stating there no previous example in history of power which not only occupied other peoples territories but chased them out of their homes and off their land.
Chargé observed whatever rights and wrongs of past were, it unrealistic to attempt turn clock back. Israel in ME to stay, and problem in simplest terms was reaching accommodation between Israelis and Arabs that both sides could live with so that governments and peoples throughout area could get on with priority tasks of development.
Mas’ud said US in own interest should desist from its “excessive preoccupation” with Israel and concentrate its attention more heavily on combatting Communism in ME. He cited Egypt and Syria as examples where “Communism” has taken hold. Chargé countered thesis that Arab radicalism due to US policy in area incorrect. Rise of radicalism primarily result of frustrations from failure Arab governments get down to solving domestic problems and meeting needs of their own peoples. Attempts to make US policy scapegoat for Arabs’ own failures is only further proof of inability radical Arabs to [Page 407] make contact with reality. We admire SAG for so far having resisted this temptation. It appeared Saudi best interests would continue be served by supporting efforts to achieve peaceful settlement and at same time bolstering internal strength with meaningful progress and reform.
Mas’ud did not take issue. He closed this lengthy portion of conversation with renewed pleas that US urgently reassess its interests which, he asserted, rapidly deteriorating in Arab world.
  1. Source: National Archives, Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 629, Country Files, Middle East, Saudi Arabia, Vol. I. Secret; Exdis.
  2. Telegram 149073 to Amman, September 4. (Ibid., RG 59, Central Files 1967–69, DEF 12–5 ISR) In telegram 3059 from Jidda, September 5, Stoltzfus relayed information on initial Saudi response to the sale of Phantoms to Israel. (Ibid., Nixon Presidential Materials, NSC Files, Box 629, Country Files, Middle East, Saudi Arabia, Vol. I)
  3. See footnote 5, Document 16.