82. Memorandum From Secretary of State Rusk to President Johnson1


  • Telephone Call to the Shah of Iran During New York Stopover


I suggest that you telephone the Shah of Iran during his one-day stopover in New York on Tuesday, May 18. The Shah and the Empress left Tehran on May 2 for state visits to Brazil, Argentina, and Canada. On the New York stopover they will be en route from Buenos Aires to Ottawa. The Shah will be residing at the Waldorf Towers, and according to his [Page 147] present schedule he could be reached there by telephone at 11:00 a.m. on May 18.


The Shah is important to the United States as the reform-minded ruler of one of the most stable countries in the Middle East. He considers, not without justification, that Iran has been our most dependable ally on the southern periphery of the Soviet Bloc. In spite of some issues that have arisen recently (most notably our differing assessment of the Nasser threat to Iran and the Shah’s irritation at our inability to bring rapidly to justice an Iranian who has been abusing our Congress and Courts with false charges of corruption against the royal family), there remains a broad consensus between us and the Shah on the really fundamental issues of foreign and domestic policy. As our posture toward Iran changes gradually in keeping with the country’s increasing financial strength, administrative capabilities, and broadening foreign ties, the Shah is watchful for signs of our continuing sponsorship of Iran’s welfare and security and, most particularly, our regard for his counsel on key world issues. I believe that the proposed telephone call from you on May 18 would be an important step in maintaining our fruitful relations with Iran.2

Dean Rusk
  1. Source: Johnson Library, National Security File, Special Head of State Correspondence File, Iran, Presidential Correspondence. Confidential.
  2. A typewritten notation on the source text reads: “He made the call.”