43. Memorandum From the Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs (McNaughton) to Secretary of Defense McNamara1

I–25, 193/64


  • Five Year MAP for Iran

The Five Year Military Assistance agreement between the Government of the United States and the Government of Iran, consummated by the Memorandum of Understanding of September 1962, provided for furnishing certain defense items of materiel and services. Some items were to be furnished in specified quantities, other items were described in general terms, without specifying quantities, such as: Ammunition for [Page 90] training and a 30-day stock level, communications equipment, combat support equipment and civic action support. The total value of the 5-year package was not to exceed $298.6 million, but the Iranians were not informed of this dollar limitation. Deliveries were to be accomplished by 30 June 1967.

Programming actions provided $53.1 million in FY 62, $70.0 million in FY 63 and $53.2 million in FY 64 which have been applied against the commitment. Future programs have been prepared which will provide $41.1 million in FY 65 and $46.1 million in FY 66 for a total cost of $263.5 million for the 5-year program.

All items pertaining to the Memorandum of Understanding commitment have been included in these yearly programs. Deliveries already accomplished and those projected against future programs will permit delivery of all commitment items by 30 June 1967.

John T. McNaughton 2
  1. Source: Washington National Records Center, RG 330, OASD/ISA Files: FRC 68 A 306, 381 Iran—13 June 1964. Secret. Attached to a control sheet with a typed notation by Lieutenant Colonel W.A. Forbes indicating that at a meeting on Five-Year MAP for Iran on June 11, Secretary McNamara requested a memorandum stating that all MAP commitments to Iran expressed in the September 1962 Memorandum of Understanding would be delivered by June 30, 1967, the terminal date of the agreement.
  2. Printed from a copy that indicates that McNaughton signed the original.