39. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Iran1

914. Shah’s Visit. Presidential meeting and White House luncheon proceeded in atmosphere great warmth and cordiality. In meeting, Shah devoted considerable attention to: Arab designs on Khuzistan, which he said now backed by Khrushchev, who anxious deny oil to West; consequent need enhanced Iranian defensive capabilities; suitability Bandar Abbas for U.S. base use; fears that oil companies would give preferential treatment Arab producers now that OPEC an “instrument of Arab imperialism.” President complimented the Shah on his reform measures, calling Iran “brightest spot in the Middle East”. He urged on Shah need to keep up pace of modernization which never-ending process even in U.S. [Page 81] He also sought to play down extent of Arab military threat. President told Shah we would speak to oil companies about Shah’s misgivings. Shah’s luncheon toast consisted of ringing reaffirmation firm commitment to West.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 7 IRAN. Confidential. Drafted by Tiger on June 5, cleared by Department of State Deputy Executive Secretary John A. McKesson and Komer, and approved by Talbot.