316. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Iran1
275285. 1. Embassy requested deliver following message from President-elect to Shah of Iran: “Your Imperial Majesty: I thank you for your congratulations and your good wishes on the occasion of my election to the office of President of the United States. In view of the close relations between our two countries, I am especially grateful for your kind words and your expression of continuing support for our mutual efforts for peace and for better lives for all mankind.”
“On my part, I assure Your Majesty that I will continue to do all in my power to forward and strengthen the close ties between our two governments and people. I remember with pleasure your wonderful hospitality to me in Tehran in April 1967 and have continued to follow with admiration your country’s progress at home and constructive statesmanship internationally. Thank you again for your message.”
“Sincerely yours, Richard M. Nixon.”
2. Following FYI is text of message to President-elect from Shah: Begin text: Excellency, I take great pleasure in expressing my sincere congratulations and those of my people on Your Excellency’s election to the high office of U.S. President. I sincerely wish you success in discharging your critical responsibilities as a President and in our ever-increasing mutual efforts toward world peace and the freedom and happiness of mankind. I strongly hope that the long-standing friendship and cordiality which has always existed between Iran and the United States on the basis of cooperation, mutual belief, and goodwill will further strengthen and expand in the future. With my best greetings. Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. End text.
- Source: Johnson Library, National Security File, NSC Files of Harold Saunders, Visit of Amir Hoveyda, Prime Minister of Iran, December 4–5, 1968. Limited Official Use. Drafted by Robert G. Houdek of the Executive Secretariat Staff, and approved by Ambassador William Leonhart in S/NL. Another copy of this document is in Department of State, Central Files, POL 15–1 U.S./NIXON.↩