282. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Iran1
Washington, May 2, 1968,
157500. Ref: Tehran 4506.2 Eyes Only Ambassador from Under Secretary Katzenbach.
[Page 510]- 1.
- Military credit program may have struck you as “typical IRG lowest common denominator product” but it has in fact received my closest attention and study, incorporates the strongly held views of the Deputy Secretary of Defense and has now been approved by the President.
- 2.
- We are about to take next step of Congressional consultation and if all goes well, we will be instructing you shortly. In the mean time, as indicated, we are in process of determining whether additional funds, over $75 million, are available so that offer can be raised to $100 million. I cannot tell you today if that decision will be made prior to sending your initial instructions.
- 3.
- The Shah is not the only one with political problems.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, DEF 19–8 US–IRAN. Secret; Exdis. Drafted by Katzenbach; cleared by Battle, Walt Rostow, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Politico-Military Affairs Philip J. Farley, and Warnke; and approved by Katzenbach.↩
- In telegram 4506 from Tehran, May 2, Meyer reported that Alam had told him the Shah’s patience regarding the arms package was wearing thin. Meyer also expressed his own concern over the package tentatively approved by the IRG. (Ibid.)↩