216. Telegram From the Embassy in Iran to the Department of State1
Tehran, July 24, 1967,
447. Subj: Shah’s Washington Visit.
- 1.
- In lengthy discussion with Shah 24th, I conveyed President Johnson’s greetings and his anticipation of Shah’s forthcoming visit. I pointed out a blue ribbon program has been arranged providing every opportunity for discussion of matters of mutual interest.
- 2.
- Shah said he too looking forward to visit and been giving much thought to discussions which will take place. He gratified by what he considers USG’s friendly attitude toward Iran and even looks forward to talking with “those Senators.”
- 3.
- This provided occasion to convey to him Secretary’s message (State 11341).2 He deeply grateful. I noted that New York Times may be breaking story today and hoped it would not cause difficulties. With certain amount of bravado, Shah said he feels Iran has matured sufficiently so that criticisms such as those by Senators can be taken in stride. Comment: We hope such equilibrium obtains after story breaks. In any case, he has been favorably conditioned thanks to Dept’s foresight in alerting us and thanks to Secretary’s invaluable personal message.
- 4.
- Shah does not believe special discussion with Mideast experts re Mideast details need be scheduled since he hopes essential ground can be covered in discussions at top levels. However, Thursday morning might be left open for Mideast experts briefing, final decision to be made after completion of top level discussions.
- 5.
- Shah indicated again that he hopes to discuss food problems. Delighted that Iran has unusually good wheat crop this year, he wants to concentrate with American help on increased food production in years ahead as contribution to major problems facing world during rest of this century. Shah noted with keen disappointment that Bill Warne’s proposal for agricultural project in Khuzestan has now been scaled down to 5,000 acres when Shah wishes major commercial project of one or more hundred thousand acres.
- 6.
- Shah also indicated he will wish to discuss importance of Iran’s maintaining adequate defense capability so that if troubles break out in this region American boys will not be shot a la Viet Nam. He said he thinks our countries owe it to each other to let each other know where we stand and implied that Iran will purchase elsewhere to the extent that the USG is unable to meet its needs.
- Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 7 IRAN. Confidential; Limdis.↩
- Document 215.↩