164. Letter From Vice President Humphrey to Secretary of Defense McNamara1
Dear Bob:
I hesitate to draw your attention away from other serious matters but I would like to call to your attention a situation of immediate danger to our relations with Iran. As a member of the Senate Foreign Relations [Page 301] Committee I was charged with the duty of studying the Middle East, including Iran. Throughout the years I learned that nothing is certain in that area except trouble, and that only quick footwork at the right time can avoid serious pitfalls.
I know you share my deep appreciation for the Shah’s contribution to the struggle in Vietnam, for his staunch defense of our policies during his recent swing through the Satellites, and for his unfailing support of the United States in the field of mutual defense. The fact that he is now turning to the Soviet Union to purchase arms is regrettable. Our intelligence services report that his movement toward the Russians could be far more serious than the immediate issue at hand. I wonder if the situation is correctable?
I think we all would feel much better knowing that you had taken a personal look at the commercial details we are proposing to the Shah and hearing from you that you believe it proper to accept the high risks we are informed are involved.
- Source: Washington National Records Center, RG 330, OSD Files: FRC 70 A 4443, Iran 091.3 MAP 1966, 28 Jul 66. Secret. A stamped notation on the source text indicates that McNamara saw it on August 2.↩