220. Telegram From the Department of State to the Mission to the United Nations1

1813. NATUS. Cyprus mediation. Ref: USUN’s 3297.2

Dept concurs in response you made to Rolz-Bennett re undesirability involving Soviets directly in any effort mediate Cyprus dispute or any joint action with Soviets in promoting or guaranteeing solution. We have always viewed Cyprus question as of primary concern to West and NATO and Soviet position on question as opportunistic effort to weaken NATO ties in eastern Mediterranean. Request you continue discourage SYG from pursuing Big Four guarantee idea and convey this position to UKUN.
Seems to us that any suggestion of international guarantee for ultimate Cyprus solution is premature. What is needed at this time to [Page 467] move Cyprus problem off dead center is resumption active UN mediation effort directed to finding elements on which agreement might be reached. While not prepared at this stage to rule out any proposal for solution, Dept tends to agree that, to obtain GOT acceptance of any formula, it may be necessary to continue prohibition against enosis at least for time. If this proves be case, however, continued exclusion of enosis would be only one element in any package which it might be possible to develop. For example, future status of Turk Cypriots in independent Cyprus would be critical. We feel that finding these elements is first order of business.
We hope therefore SYG will act soon on resumption mediation and believe, as indicated Deptel 1765,3 expansion Bernardes role offers best prospect for agreement on new mediation. Believe would be useful try to influence SYG in this direction prior Rolz-Bennett’s departure.
Despite parties’ statements in GA, we do not agree with SYG and Rolz-Bennett conclusion that an independent Cyprus is “common thread” running through position of parties; GOG, while it may not be optimistic about achieving enosis, clearly hopes that unfettered independence for Cyprus would ultimately lead to union with Greece.
  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, POL 27–14 CYP/UN. Secret; Limdis. Drafted by Moffitt; cleared by UNP, GTI, and Hare; and approved by Sisco. Repeated to Athens, Ankara, Nicosia, London, and Paris.
  2. Telegram 3297, January 26, reported that the Secretary-General was seeking U.S. views about a four-power guarantee of an independent Cyprus. (Ibid.)
  3. See footnote 4, Document 219.