54. Memorandum From the President’s Special Assistant (Rostow) to President Johnson1
February 10, 1967, 2:50 p.m.
Mr. President:
The meeting2
might be broken into two parts:
- —a decision on the message to London which is urgent;
- —a discussion of the other issue posed in the attached
With respect to the first part there are two questions:
- —do we permit Wilson to go ahead with his formulation?
- —do we extend Tet?4
I suggest, therefore, that you open the meeting by asking Secretary
Rusk this question: Can we
proceed down this track while resuming operations at the end of Tet
(6:00 P.M. our time Saturday;5 the last we can stop it is a message dispatched 10:00
A.M. Saturday)?
When that is settled, we can march through the other issues.
February 10, 1967, 2:30 p.m.
Memorandum From the President’s Special Assistant
(Rostow) to President Johnson6
Mr. President:
Here are some of the questions we ought to answer in our own minds
before we flash London, where a response is necessary by about 3:30
p.m., even though we do not have to decide all of them now or inform
London now.
[Page 120]
- 1.
How do we assure ourselves that infiltration has stopped?
(The exact language of your letter to Ho7 is: “I am assured.”)
Possible answer: We stand down our bombing in the short run
when we have Ho’s word backed by the UK/USSR. We do
not move to the next step, however—“stop augmenting our
forces”—until unilateral U.S. military surveillance and
Westy’s judgment tell us infiltration has, in fact, stopped.
In the longer run, we shall need our own unilateral
surveillance, plus third country forces, to make this
guarantee stick; for example, ICC countries, third country Asians, possibly
even UK/USSR.
- 2.
- How many days before we stop augmenting our forces? What
relation of that interval to our “assurance” infiltration has
stopped? As indicated, we do not stop augmenting our forces
until Westy tells us infiltration has stopped. (FYI. It was for this reason that I
wanted the letter to Ho to contain the phrase “I am assured.”
You have a right to say when you are assured.)
- 3.
What is Hanoi’s choice of a channel for subsequent
negotiation? Or do we have, if this deal goes through,
merely a more limited war inside South Vietnam?
Obviously we must try to move as fast as possible towards
negotiations to end the war inside South Vietnam.
- 4.
If we negotiate bilaterally with Hanoi, how do we engage
Saigon and NLF in
military/political negotiations to end the fighting within
South Vietnam?
This is a question of our persuading Ky to put himself into that
posture and Hanoi persuading the NLF to respond. This is extremely delicate
because Ky will have
to know precisely how steady we are in all this:
- —how tough we are going to be on guaranteeing that
infiltration has stopped before we stop augmenting
our forces;
- —how firm we are going to be in interpreting the
Manila pledge for troop withdrawals against
withdrawals of North Vietnamese forces to the
- —above all, that we shall be firm in insisting on
carrying through an orderly constitutional process
on a one-man one-vote basis and in sending the
NLF into the
Government in Saigon.
- 5.
What do we say when bombing stops or we do not resume
bombing at the end of Tet?
We shall have to make clear that we can only hold a “cat’s
got our tongue” position for a relatively few days. The
first explanation that bombing has stopped should be a
straight military announcement by
[Page 121]
our military authorities in Saigon
that their evidence indicates infiltration has stopped. This
would remove from Hanoi the necessity publicly to announce
that infiltration has stopped.
- 6.
- Now the urgent gut question: Do we extend the Tet truce? Part
of the Tet truce? The fact is we must send a cable to Westy and
Ky not later than
10:00 a.m. tomorrow morning.8 We cannot expect a
response from Hanoi to the British until the hoped for Kosygin message for a day or so
at least. Unless Hanoi or the NLF get in touch with Ky very promptly, and respond to his initiative,
I would recommend that we resume the war in the South but
continue to hold down the bombing of the North for a few days,
with this possible exception: the bombing of the supplies and
forces just North of the DMZ if
there are any really ominous movements. The reason for this
suggestion is that it will provide some security cover for the
negotiation—we could allegedly hold the planes down for weather
reasons—and we ought not to let the forces in the South sit
still until we are clear that a negotiation to move towards
peace is envisaged between ourselves and Hanoi on the one hand,
and Saigon and the NLF on the
other. Whatever we decide between now and 10:00 a.m. tomorrow,
we must have Wilson tell Kosygin so that there can be no
misunderstanding and no claim that we “blew a chance for
- 7.
- Do we permit Lodge to
inform Ky? Who else
should be informed if we respond positively on this message to
London? If we give Wilson the assent to put in this piece of
paper, I am confident that we are duty bound to inform Ky immediately. More than that,
I think it necessary to give him a quite full picture of the
track we envisage. It would not be very difficult to panic the
government and the Constituent Assembly, which would be true
disaster. From the moment we send that message, we must treat
them as partners in this difficult venture of ending the war. It
is also perfectly clear that Westy must know what we are up to.
As for Holt, Park, etc., we could possibly wait until we have
Hanoi’s response.
- 8.
Should not the two Co-Chairmen reaffirm their support of
the Geneva Accords of 1954 and 1962 and their responsibility
for assuring that they will now be implemented? Should that
assurance be public? Private?
Since what is envisaged here is something the two Co-Chairmen
might, if they agree, send to Hanoi and Washington as an
understanding, urging its acceptance, the issue of
reassurance on the Geneva Accords can be separated. It is,
however, our interest that publicly, or
[Page 122]
privately, (or both) this
reaffirmation be one result of the London meeting of
Kosygin and