Topical List of Documents

Note: The regional topics are first on this list; individual countries follow in alphabetical order.

Arab-Israeli Relations

Memorandum from Talbot to Rusk, July 9, 1962. Recommendations for U.S. policy toward Israel.
Letter from William Bundy to Grant, July 16, 1962. Department of Defense views on the acquisition by Israel of the Hawk missile system.
Memorandum from Rusk to Kennedy, August 7, 1962. Review of U.S. policy toward Israel; recommendation to sell Hawk missiles to Israel if effort to obtain arms limitation arrangement unsuccessful.
Telegram from the Embassy in Israel to the Department of State, August 19, 1962. Feldman’s meeting with Israeli officials, including Ben Gurion, to discuss Hawk missiles and the Johnson Plan.
Telegram from the Embassy in Israel to the Department of State, August 21, 1962. Feldman’s meeting with Meir to discuss the Johnson Plan and the direct negotiations resolution.
Memorandum of conversation, August 24, 1962. Feldman’s report to McGeorge Bundy on his visit to Israel.
Circular telegram from the Department of State to certain posts, September 14, 1962. U.S. willingness to sell Hawk missile system to Israel.
Memorandum from Feldman to Kennedy, October 2, 1962. Report of meeting with Harman to emphasize U.S. concern over the direct negotiations resolution at the UN.
Memorandum of conversation, December 27, 1962. Kennedy-Meir meeting: Israeli security, Israeli-UAR relations, Palestinian refugees.
National Intelligence Estimate NIE 30-63, January 23, 1963. The Arab-Israeli Problem.
Memorandum from Komer to Kennedy, February 9, 1963. Question of an arms control initiative in the Near East.
Memorandum from Komer to Kennedy, March 22, 1963. Israeli and UAR nuclear weapon capabilities.
National Security Action Memorandum No. 231, March 26, 1963. Kennedy’s request for proposals to forestall Israeli or UAR development of nuclear weapons.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, April 18, 1963. Transmits letter from Kennedy to Nasser on Yemen, arms in the Near East, Arab refugees.
Memorandum from Brubeck to McGeorge Bundy, April 27, 1963. Summary of Ben Gurion’s letter to Kennedy requesting a joint U.S.-USSR security guarantee of Near East countries.
Memorandum from Komer to McGeorge Bundy, April 30, 1963. Comments on the situation in Jordan and Israeli reactions to it.
Memorandum for the record, May 1, 1963. White House staff meeting discussion of general U.S. policy in the Near East and the balance between Israel and the UAR.
Memorandum from Komer to McGeorge Bundy, May 1, 1963. Question of reaffirming the Tripartite Declaration.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Israel, May 4, 1963. Transmits text of letter from Kennedy to Ben Gurion concerning situation in the Near East, U.S. concern with Israeli security, Jordan, Arab unity.
Editorial Note. Kennedy’s May 8 statement regarding U.S. policy in the Near East, military balance, security of Israel and Jordan.
Special National Intelligence Estimate, SNIE 30-2–63, May 8, 1963. The advanced weapons programs of the United Arab Republic and Israel.
Memorandum from Grant to Rusk, May 11, 1963. White House concern with Arab-Israeli matters.
Memorandum from Brubeck to McGeorge Bundy, May 14, 1963. Summary of Ben Gurion’s May 12 letter to Kennedy on proposed U.S.-USSR security guarantee.
Memorandum from Talbot to Rusk, May 14, 1963. Plan of action for a Near East arms limitation and control arrangement.
Letter from Talbot to Badeau, May 20, 1963. Informs the Ambassador of Presidential interest in satisfying Israel’s desire for a security guarantee and seeking an arms limitation arrangement.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, May 27, 1963. Transmits letter from Kennedy to Nasser regarding U.S. desire to maintain peace and stability in the Near East and dispatch of a Presidential emissary.
Memorandum from Komer to Kennedy, May 31, 1963. Comments on State Department’s scenario for a UAR-Israel arms initiative.
Memorandum by the Working Group on Near East Arms Limitation, undated. Memorandum for the Presidential emissary on the arms limitation and control arrangement for the Near East.
Memorandum for the record, June 15, 1963. Presidential meeting with McCloy, Special Emissary for the Near East Arms Limitation Initiative, on the mission.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, June 15, 1963. Transmits text of letter from Kennedy to Nasser introducing McCloy as Presidential emissary.
Memorandum from Komer to McCloy, June 19, 1963. Comments on negotiating tactics with Nasser on arms limitation initiative.
Telegram from the Embassy in the United Arab Republic to the Department of State, June 28, 1963. From McCloy: report of a meeting with Nasser on the proposal for an arms control initiative.
Telegram from the Embassy in the United Arab Republic to the Department of State, June 30, 1963. From McCloy: report of a meeting with Nasser on the arms control initiative.
Memorandum from Komer to Kennedy, July 3, 1963. Comments on McCloy’s meetings with Nasser.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, July 7, 1963. Instructions to convey to Nasser Kennedy’s appreciation for his discussions with McCloy and to review with Nasser Kennedy’s concerns.
Memorandum from Komer to Kennedy, July 19, 1963. Comments on Israeli position on visits to Dimona and connection to arms control initiative.
Memorandum from Komer to Kennedy, July 23, 1963. Briefing paper for meeting to consider next steps on arms control initiative.
Memorandum from Rusk to Kennedy, July 23, 1963. Briefing paper for meeting with McCloy to present McCloy’s personal report on his talks with Nasser and discussion of future courses of action.
Memorandum of conversation, July 23, 1963. Kennedy, Ball, McCloy, et al. discussion of the arms limitation initiative and a security guarantee for Israel.
Memorandum from Komer to Kennedy, August 22, 1963. Report of incidents along the Syrian-Israeli armistice line.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Mission to the United Nations, August 27, 1963. Questions of the resolution on the Israeli complaint in the UN Security Council and strengthening UNTSO machinery.
Memorandum from Rusk to Kennedy, September 10, 1963. Next steps on the Near East arms limitation effort.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, September 12, 1963. Transmits draft of the text of letter from Kennedy to Nasser on the Near East arms limitation effort.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, September 12, 1963. Instructions for oral statement to Nasser on the Near East arms limitation effort.
Circular telegram from the Department of State to certain posts, September 26, 1963. Department views on the refugee problem and question of a direct negotiations resolution in the United Nations.
Memorandum of conversation, September 30, 1963. Rusk-Meir meeting: Israeli concerns about security, UAR nuclear capability, regional disarmament.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Israel, October 2, 1963. Transmits letter from Kennedy to Eshkol on U.S. position on Israeli security.
Memorandum of conversation, October 10, 1963. Harman-Jernegan meeting on the Jordan waters issues.
Memorandum from Read to McGeorge Bundy, November 5, 1963. Possibility of Arab action to prevent Israeli diversion of Jordan waters; recapitulation of Jordan waters problem.
Circular airgram from the Department of State to certain posts, November 7, 1963. Information on the Unified Plan for the development of Jordan waters.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Mission to the United Nations, November 16, 1963. The Palestine refugee item in the Special Political Committee.
Memorandum from Talbot to Rusk, November 18, 1963. Information memorandum on anticipated special problems in the U.S.-Arab relationship.
Memorandum from Komer to McGeorge Bundy, November 19, 1963. Report on the debate in the United Nations on Arab refugees.
Memorandum from Talbot to Rusk, November 23, 1963. Review of situation in the Near East and potential problems for President Johnson.
Memorandum from Solbert to Taylor, December 2, 1963. Request for JCS views on U.S. sale of arms to Near East countries.
Memorandum from Komer to McGeorge Bundy, December 3, 1963. Summary of issues for Presidential approval: Yemen, Arab-Israeli problems.
Memorandum from Komer to McGeorge Bundy, December 3, 1963. Analysis of the situation in the Near East: Arab-Israeli problems, Iran.
Memorandum from the Joint Chiefs of Staff to McNamara, December 7, 1963. JCS views on sale of arms to Near East countries.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Israel, December 9, 1963. Israeli position on Arab refugees and Jordan waters.
Memorandum from Komer to McGeorge Bundy, December 30, 1963. Report on Nasser’s speech at Port Said.

Jordan Waters

Memorandum from Brubeck to McGeorge Bundy, August 30, 1962. Capacity of Israel’s Water Conduit.
Memorandum of conversation, October 10, 1963. Harman-Jernegan meeting on the Jordan waters issues.
Memorandum from Read to McGeorge Bundy, November 5, 1963. Possibility of Arab action to prevent Israeli diversion of Jordan waters; recapitulation of Jordan waters problem.
Circular airgram from the Department of State to certain posts, November 7, 1963. Information on the Unified Plan for the development of Jordan waters.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Israel, December 9, 1963. Israeli position on Arab refugees and Jordan waters.

Near East Region

Circular telegram from the Department of State to certain posts, February 28, 1963. Review of U.S. policies toward Near East countries for use in meetings with Foreign Ministers.
Memorandum for the record, March 26, 1963. Record of McCone-Rusk meeting regarding U.S. policy in the Near East and Israel’s nuclear program.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Israel, April 4, 1963. Report of U. Alexis Johnson-Peres meeting: exchange of views on Near East.
Memorandum of telephone conversation, April 5, 1963. Talbot-Feldman conversation: report of talk between Kennedy and Peres on Near East danger points and importance of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.
Circular telegram from the Department of State to certain posts, April 19, 1963. Assessment and guidance on Arab unity proclamation.
Telegram from the Embassy in Iran to the Department of State, April 29, 1963. Report of Rusk-Shah meeting.
Memorandum from Komer, to McGeorge Bundy, May 1, 1963. Question of reaffirming the Tripartite Declaration.
Editorial Note. Kennedy’s, May 8 statement regarding U.S. policy in the Near East, military balance, security of Israel and Jordan.
Memorandum from Grant to Rusk, May 11, 1963. White House concern with Arab-Israeli matters.
Airgram from the Embassy in the United Kingdom to the Department of State, May 31, 1963. Summary of U.S.-U.K. talks on the Persian Gulf.
Memorandum from Davies (NE) to Talbot, July 5, 1963. Conclusions of the U.S.-U.K. talks on oil; includes minute of the discussion.
Memorandum of conversation, September 30, 1963. Rusk-Meir meeting: Israeli concerns about security, UAR nuclear capability, regional disarmament.
Memorandum from Talbot to Rusk, November 18, 1963. Information memorandum on anticipated special problems in the U.S.-Arab relationship.
Memorandum from Talbot to Rusk, November 23, 1963. Review of situation in the Near East and potential problems for President Johnson.
Memorandum from Solbert to Taylor, December 2, 1963. Request for JCS views on U.S. sale of arms to Near East countries.
Memorandum from Komer to McGeorge Bundy, December 3, 1963. Analysis of the situation in the Near East: Arab-Israeli problems, Iran.
Memorandum of conversation, December 6, 1963. Meeting of Harriman and oil company executives to discuss developments in the Near East and OPEC.
Memorandum from the Joint Chiefs of Staff to McNamara, December 7, 1963. JCS views on sale of arms to Near East countries.
Memorandum from Talbot to Ball, December 16, 1963. Report on OPEC meeting where oil companies’ offer of royalties rejected; recommendations for U.S. course of action.
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Palestinian Refugee Issue

Memorandum of conversations, July 28, July 31, August 6, 1962. Joseph Johnson meetings with Department of State officers: discussion of Johnson’s proposals to solve Arab refugee problem.
Memorandum from Rusk to Kennedy, August 7, 1962. The Johnson Plan: considerations for the United States, proposals for implementation of paragraph 11 of UN General Assembly Resolution 194(III), and explanation.
Memorandum from Brubeck to McGeorge Bundy, August 9, 1962. Consequences for the United States of rejection of the Johnson Plan.
Memorandum from Talbot to Feldman, August 9, 1962. Question of the use of a Presidential emissary to gain Israel’s cooperation in implementation of the Johnson Plan.
Memorandum from Feldman to Kennedy, August 10, 1962. Comments on papers on U.S. policy toward Israel (Document 14) and the Johnson Plan (Document 15).
Notes of Conference, August 14, 1962. Record of White House discussion of the Johnson Plan.
Notes of Meeting, August 14, 1962. Continuation of the discussion of the Johnson Plan after the President’s departure.
Letter from Kennedy to Ben Gufion, August 15, 1962. Introduces Myer Feldman as the President’s emissary to discuss the Johnson Plan.
Telegram from the Embassy in Israel to the Department of State, August 19, 1962. Feldman’s meeting with Israeli officials, including Ben Gurion, to discuss Hawk missiles and the Johnson Plan.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Israel, August 20, 1962. Comments on Feldman’s meeting with Israeli officials.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, August 21, 1962. Informs the Embassy of Feldman’s meeting with Israeli officials.
Telegram from the Embassy in Israel to the Department of State, August 21, 1962. Feldman’s meeting with Meir to discuss the Johnson Plan and the direct negotiations resolution.
Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, August 22, 1962. Instructions for discussions with UAR officials regarding the Johnson Plan.
Memorandum of conversation, August 24, 1962. Feldman’s report to McGeorge Bundy on his visit to Israel.
Telegram from the Embassy in the United Arab Republic to the Department of State, August 24, 1962. Conversation with Nasser: Hawk missile purchase by Israel and the Johnson Plan.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Mission to the United Nations, August 27, 1962. Question of the submission to the Palestine Conciliation Commission of the Johnson Plan.
Circular telegram from the Department of State to Certain Posts, September 5, 1962. Information on presentation of the Johnson Plan to the PCC and instructions to inform governments of the details of the plan.
Telegram from the Mission to the United Nations to the Department of State, September 10, 1962. Reactions to the Johnson Plan.
Letter from Kennedy to King Hussein, September 13, 1962. Support of the Johnson Plan; U.S. support for Jordan.
Memorandum from Komer to McGeorge Bundy, September 14, 1962. Johnson Plan and sale of Hawk missiles to Israel; U.S. relations with the United Arab Republic.
Memorandum from McGeorge Bundy to Komer, September 20, 1962. Israeli opposition to the Johnson Plan.
Memorandum from Talbot to Rusk, September 20, 1962. Israeli opposition to the Johnson Plan.
Editorial Note. Israeli opposition to the Johnson Plan.
Memorandum from Komer to Kaysen, September 22, 1962. Argument for continuing efforts to prevent or at least delay collapse of the Johnson Plan.
Memorandum from Talbot to Rusk, September 22, 1962. Possible appropriate steps to preserve the Johnson Plan.
Memorandum from Komer to Kaysen, September 25, 1962. Outline of the President’s view on the Johnson Plan.
Circular telegram from the Department of State to certain posts, September 26, 1962. Instructions not to press for acceptance of the Johnson Plan in view of Israeli unwillingness to acquiesce in the Plan.
Telegram from Rusk to the Department of State, September 26, 1962. Report of Rusk-Meir meeting on Israeli objections to the Johnson Plan.
Memorandum from Komer to Kaysen, September 29, 1962. Summary of Rusk-Meir meeting and recommendation for continued support of the Johnson Plan.
Memorandum from Talbot to Rusk, September 30, 1962. Talbot’s personal comments on the Johnson Plan and his recommendations for future courses of action.
Memorandum from Komer to Kennedy, October 2, 1962. Possible courses of action after the leak of the Johnson Plan.
Memorandum from Rusk to Kennedy, October 4, 1962. Recommendations on next steps to take on the Johnson Plan.
Memorandum from Komer to McGeorge Bundy, October 9, 1962. Courses of action after rejection of the Johnson Plan.
Memorandum from Brubeck to McGeorge Bundy, October 20, 1962. Arab response to the Johnson Plan.
Memorandum from Rusk to Kennedy, November 12, 1962. Analysis of current situation and planned action regarding the Johnson Plan and the forthcoming UN General Assembly debate.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Israel, November 21, 1962. Report of discussion with Meir of Johnson Plan and the refugee problem.
Memorandum from Talbot and Cleveland to Rusk, November 28, 1962. Analysis of the future of the U.S. initiative on the Palestinian refugee problem.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Mission to the United Nations, November 29, 1962. Guidance on the UNRWA item in the Special Political Committee debate.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Mission to the United Nations, November 30, 1962. Report of meeting with Harman to discuss UNRWA item.
Memorandum from Talbot to Rusk, December 4, 1962. Israeli response to U.S. proposals regarding the refugee debate in the UN General Assembly.
Memorandum from Komer to Kennedy, December 5, 1962. Discussion of the Israeli reply to the package proposal on Arab refugees and future U.S. courses of action.
Memorandum of conversation, December 5, 1962. Talbot-Harman meeting to inform Harman of U.S. action in the Special Political Committee debate.
Circular telegram from the Department of State to certain posts, December 6, 1962. Guidance regarding the UN General Assembly Palestine refugee debate.
Memorandum of conversation, December 27, 1962. Kennedy-Meir meeting: Israeli security, Israeli-UAR relations, Palestinian refugees.
Telegram from the Embassy in Israel to the Department of State, January 22, 1963. Report of meeting with Ben Gurion on refugee issue.
Memorandum from Komer to Kennedy, January 23, 1963. Comments on Ben Gurion’s reply to Kennedy’s statements at his meeting with Meir on refugee issue.
Memorandum of conversation, February 6, 1963. Kennedy-Joseph Johnson meeting: exchange of views on the Johnson Plan.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Jordan, February 27, 1963. Instructions to Ambassadors concerning upcoming talks in Jerusalem on refugees with Barbour as U.S. representative.
Memorandum from Rusk to Kennedy, March 28, 1963. Status of the Palestinian refugee issue and future U.S. courses of action.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Jordan, April 13, 1963. Guidance for discussions on refugee initiative.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, April 18, 1963. Transmits letter from Kennedy to Nasser on Yemen, arms in the Near East, Arab refugees.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Israel, July 4, 1963. Instructions for discussion of refugee problem with Eshkol.
Memorandum from Sisco to Cleveland, September 19, 1963. Report on discussions of the refugee problem with the Arabs and Israel.
Circular telegram from the Department of State to certain posts, September 26, 1963. Department views on the refugee problem and question of a direct negotiations resolution in the United Nations.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Mission to the United Nations, November 16, 1963. The Palestine refugee item in the Special Political Committee.
Memorandum from Komer to McGeorge Bundy, November 19, 1963. Report on the debate in the United Nations on Arab refugees.
Circular telegram from the Department of State to certain posts, November 20, 1963. Jordanian plea for U.S. support of paragraph 11 of UN Resolution 194.
Memorandum for the record, November 21, 1963. Record of Komer meeting with Gazit on Palestine refugee item in the United Nations, U.S.-Israeli relationship, Israeli security concerns.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Israel, December 9, 1963. Israeli position on Arab refugees and Jordan waters.

Yemen conflict

Memorandum from Hilsman to Rusk, September 13, 1962. Report of coup in Yemen.
Paper by Seelye, September 20, 1962. Report on the implications of the death of Imam Ahmed of Yemen.
Telegram from the Department of State to Rusk, in New York, September 27, 1962. Proposed message to Cairo on U.S. views concerning Yemen.
Circular telegram from the Department of State to certain posts, September 27, 1962. Summary of developments in Yemen.
Telegram from the Embassy in the United Arab Republic to the Department of State, October 1, 1962. Vice President Sadat’s comments on situation in Yemen and UAR position.
Memorandum of conversation, October 3, 1962. Zabarah-Seelye meeting: situation in Yemen.
Memorandum from Brubeck to McGeorge Bundy, October 5, 1962. Implications of the revolution in Yemen.
Memorandum from Komer to Kennedy, October 5, 1962. Question of signing the multiyear P.L. 480 agreement with the United Arab Republic.
Memorandum of conversation, October 5, 1962. Kennedy-Faisal meeting: exchange of views on situation in Yemen and U.S. relations with Saudi Arabia.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, October 5, 1962. U.S. opposition to external military intervention in Yemen after report of UAR troop movements to the Red Sea.
Telegram from the Embassy in Jordan to the Department of State, October 6, 1962. King Hussein’s concern about the situation in Yemen and UAR intervention.
Draft memorandum from the CIA Office of National Estimates to McCone, October 8, 1962. Report on the situation in Yemen.
Memorandum from Talbot to Rusk, October 9, 1962. Analysis of the situation in Yemen and recommendation for course of action.
Telegram from the Embassy in the United Arab Republic to the Department of State, October 10, 1962. Nasser’s views on the situation in Yemen.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom, October 11, 1962. U.S. concern over the situation in Yemen and efforts to limit the conflict.
Memorandum from Komer to Talbot, October 12, 1962. Recommendations that the United States move forward on an “honest broker” effort to resolve the conflict in Yemen.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, October 13, 1962. Report of meeting with Faisal on situation in Yemen.
Paper by Seelye, October 17, 1962. U.S. position on recognition of the Yemen Arab Republic.
Telegram from the Embassy in the United Arab Republic to the Department of State, October 18, 1962. Discussion with Sadat on the situation in Yemen.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Saudi Arabia, October 19, 1962. Discussion with Faisal on the situation in Yemen.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Legation in Yemen, October 24, 1962. U.S. position toward the Yemen Arab Republic.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Saudi Arabia, November 2, 1962. Instructions to deliver letter from Kennedy to Faisal repeating U.S. support for Saudi Arabia in preparation of U.S. recognition of Yemen.
Editorial Note. Saudi concern with UAR intervention in Yemen; Saudi request for a U.S. show of force.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Saudi Arabia, November 7, 1962. Instructions to express to Faisal U.S. concern with UAR military intervention in Yemen.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Saudi Arabia, November 10, 1962. U.S. concern with the presence of Jordanian aircraft in Saudi Arabia and the possibility of UAR reprisals.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, November 10, 1962. U.S. proposal for resolution of the Yemen crisis.
Memorandum from Rusk to Kennedy, November 12, 1962. Question of U.S. recognition of Yemen.
Memorandum from Talbot to Rusk, November 13, 1962. Rationale for proposed U.S. course of action on Yemen.
Message from Kennedy to Macmillan, November 15, 1962. U.S. proposal for resolution of conflict in Yemen.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, November 16, 1972. U.S. efforts to assist in resolution of the conflict in Yemen.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Jordan, November 16, 1972. Text of Presidential message to Hussein, Nasser, Faisal, and Sallal concerning U.S. proposals to end the conflict in Yemen.
Telegram from the Embassy in Saudi Arabia to the Department of State, November 19, 1962. Faisal’s reaction to President Kennedy’s letter.
Memorandum from Komer to Kennedy, November 21, 1962. Responses to the U.S. effort to end the conflict in Yemen.
Memorandum from Komer to Kennedy, November 28, 1962. Responses to the U.S. effort to end the conflict in Yemen.
Memorandum from Brubeck to McGeorge Bundy, December 6, 1962. Request for authority to recognize the Yemen Arab Republic.
Telegram from the Embassy in Saudi Arabia to the Department of State, December 10, 1962. Transmits messages from Faisal to Hart expressing Saudi concern about alleged U.S. support for Nasser in Yemen.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, December 14, 1962. U.S. plan to recognize the Yemen Arab Republic following release of acceptable YAR and UAR statements.
Editorial Note. Issuance of the YAR and UAR statements and subsequent U.S. recognition of the Yemen Arab Republic
Telegram from the Legation in Yemen to the Department of State, December 22, 1962. Presentation of U.S. recognition to Baydani and discussion of propaganda, disengagement settlement, U.S. loan.
Telegram from the Embassy in Saudi Arabia to the Department of State, December 28, 1962. Comments on the President’s disengagement plan for Yemen and Faisal’s reaction to the plan.
Telegram from the Embassy in the United Arab Republic to the Department of State, December 30, 1962. Report of meeting with Nasser on Yemen disengagement.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, December 31, 1962. Instructions for protest regarding UAR aerial attack on Najran in Saudi Arabia.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Saudi Arabia, December 31, 1962. Instructions to convey to Faisal U.S. views regarding the UAR attack on Najran and U.S. desire to prevent escalation of conflict in Yemen.
Memorandum from Komer to McGeorge Bundy, January 2, 1963. Delay of invitation to Nasser; Saudi reaction to the bombing of Najran.
Memorandum from the Joint Chiefs of Staff to McNamara, January 2, 1963. JCS recommendations and opinion on possible U.S. military actions in support of U.S. policy in the Yemen conflict.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, January 4, 1963. U.S. desire to get neutral intermediary to negotiate the modalities of disengagement in Yemen.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Saudi Arabia, January 4, 1963. Faisal’s reactions to U.S. responses to his requests for publication of President’s letter, U.S.-Saudi military exercise, and expedited shipment of U.S. arms.
Telegram from the Embassy in the United Arab Republic to the Department of State, January 9, 1963. Recommendations on U.S. courses of action in light of the UAR bombing of Saudi territory.
Memorandum from McGeorge Bundy to General Taylor, January 11, 1963. Question of U.S. military moves in the Near East.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Sana’a Office of the Legation in Yemen, January 16, 1963. Department ideas on terms of reference of UN mediator.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, January 18, 1963. Recapitulation of Department views of current situation in Yemen.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, January 19, 1963. Transmits text of message from Kennedy to Nasser.
Telegram from the Embassy in the United Arab Republic to the Department of State, January 24, 1963. Report of meeting with Nasser on situation in Yemen.
Telegram from Kennedy to Macmillan, January 26, 1963. Exposition of U.S. views on disengagement agreement in Yemen.
Memorandum for the record, January 28, 1963. Meeting between Komer and Kermit Roosevelt: concern of the oil companies over U.S. policies in Yemen and toward Nasser.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Mission to the United Nations, January 28, 1963. Instructions for meeting with the UN Secretary-General regarding appointment of UN emissary to explore disengagement in Yemen.
Memorandum from Komer to McGeorge Bundy, February 7, 1963. Status report on Yemen.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom, February 12, 1963. Question of U.K. recognition of the Yemen Arab Republic.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Saudi Arabia, February 15, 1963. Request that Duce (Aramco) see Faisal and urge Saudi disengagement from Yemen.
Memorandum from Komer to Kennedy, February 21, 1963. Brief review of U.S. actions regarding Yemen.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Saudi Arabia, February 22, 1963. Possible courses of action to persuade Saudi Arabia to disengage in Yemen.
Memorandum from Brubeck to McGeorge Bundy, February 24, 1963. Review of U.S. policy toward the conflict in Yemen; proposal to station a U.S. fighter squadron in Saudi Arabia.
Memorandum for the record, February 25, 1963. Meeting among Kennedy, McGhee, Talbot, Nitze, Gen. Wheeler, et al.: Discussion of U.S. policy toward the conflict in Yemen; question of stationing a U.S. fighter squadron in Saudi Arabia.
National Security Action Memorandum No. 227, February 27, 1963. Presidential decisions taken at the February 25 meeting on Yemen.
Memorandum of discussion, February 28, 1963. McCone-McGeorge Bundy meeting: Iraq and Yemen conflict.
Memorandum from Brubeck to McGeorge Bundy, February 28, 1963. Briefing paper for Bundy’s meeting with Bunker; proposed terms of reference for Bunker’s mission to Faisal enclosed.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom, February 28, 1963. The case for U.K. recognition of the Yemen Arab Republic.
Letter from Kennedy to Faisal, March 1, 1963. Introduction of Bunker as Presidential emissary.
Memorandum from Komer to McGeorge Bundy, March 1, 1963. Kurdish problem in Iraq; Yemen problem.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, March 2, 1963. Instructions for delivery of oral message from Kennedy to Nasser regarding problems in U.S.-UAR relations.
Editorial Note. Summary of Badeau-Nasser meeting: Yemen; UAR propaganda attacks.
Memorandum from the Joint Chiefs of Staff to McNamara, March 6, 1963. Possible courses of action to support Saudi Arabia.
Telegram from the Consulate General in Dhahran to the Department of State, March 7, 1963. Report of Bunker’s presentation to Faisal of Kennedy’s March 1 letter and outline of disengagement proposals.
Telegram from the Consulate General in Dhahran to the Department of State, March 8, 1963. From Bunker: Discussion of disengagement proposals with Faisal and Saqqaf.
Memorandum from Brubeck to McGeorge Bundy, March 10, 1963. Comments on and summary of Nasser’s March 3 letter to Kennedy.
Memorandum from Talbot to Rusk, undated. Status of actions to resolve the Yemen conflict.
Memorandum from Komer to Kennedy, March 11, 1963. Possible courses of action to resolve the Yemen conflict.
Memorandum for the record, March 11, 1963. Record of Presidential meeting on Yemen; Bunker’s report on his mission to Saudi Arabia.
Memorandum from Komer to Kennedy, March 13, 1963. Comments on the renewed UAR bombing of Saudi towns.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Saudi Arabia, March 14, 1963. Transmits Bunker’s terms of reference.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Saudi Arabia, March 14, 1963. Transmits oral message from Kennedy to Faisal for delivery by Bunker.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, March 18, 1963. Transmits oral message from Kennedy to Nasser for delivery by Bunker.
Telegram from the Embassy in Lebanon to the Department of State, March 19, 1963. Report of Bunker-Faisal meeting regarding disengagment.
Memorandum from Brubeck to McGeorge Bundy, March 28, 1963. Status report on Bunker’s mission.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, March 30, 1963. Transmits terms of reference for Bunker’s talks in Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Republic.
Telegram from the Embassy in the United Arab Republic to the Department of State, April 3, 1963. From Bunker: report of meeting with Nasser on disengagement proposals.
Telegram from the Embassy in Saudi Arabia to the Department of State, April 7, 1963. From Bunker: revisions to disengagement proposals after meeting with Faisal and report of second meeting with Faisal.
Memorandum from Fuqua to Nitze, April 9, 1963. Situation report on the conflict in Yemen.
Editorial Note. UN role in the Yemen disengagement agreement.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, April 13, 1963. Instructions to inform Nasser of U.S. training exercise in Saudi Arabia and dispatch of air squadron.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, April 18, 1963. Transmits letter from Kennedy to Nasser on Yemen, arms in the Near East, Arab refugees.
Memorandum from Komer to McGeorge Bundy, May 1, 1963. Report on the situation in Yemen.
Memorandum from Komer to Kennedy, May 2, 1963. Report on U.S. actions to show military interest in Jordan and dispatch of air squadron to Saudi Arabia.
Telegram from the Embassy in the United Arab Republic to the Department of State, May 6, 1963. Lack of detailed understanding on the size of the UAR force in Yemen after withdrawal.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Mission to the United Nations, May 10, 1963. U.S. interest in dispatch of observer mission to Yemen.
Memorandum from Komer to Kennedy, May 24, 1963. Status of situation regarding Yemen.
Memorandum from Stoddart to Nitze, June 3, 1963. Status of the UAR-Saudi disengagement in Yemen.
Memorandum from Komer to Kennedy, June 7, 1963. Status report on the situation on Yemen.
Telegram from Kaysen to Hart, June 8, 1963. Transmits text of message from Kennedy to Faisal regarding UAR bombing of Saudi territory.
Memorandum from Brubeck to McGeorge Bundy, June 11, 1963. Summary of and comments on Nasser’s June 7 reply to Kennedy’s May 27 letter.
Memorandum from Rusk to Kennedy, June 12, 1963. Recommendation to send the air squadron to Saudi Arabia; enclosed is text of revised “Mission” and “Rules of Engagement.”
Memorandum from Komer to Kennedy, June 13, 1963. Request for Presidential authority to send air squadron to Saudi Arabia; question of U.S. Jewish servicemen serving in Saudi Arabia.
Editorial Note. Presidential approval of deployment of air squadron to Saudi Arabia using the codeword Hard Surface; U.S. Jewish servicemen in Saudi Arabia.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Saudi Arabia, June 14, 1963. Transmits amended mission and rules of engagement for Operation Hard Surface forces.
Memorandum for the record, June 15, 1963. Presidential meeting with McCloy, Special Emissary for the Near East Arms Limitation Initiative, on the mission.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, June 15, 1963. Transmits text of letter from Kennedy to Nasser introducing McCloy as Presidential emissary.
Memorandum from Glass (DIA) to William Bundy, June 21, 1963. Report on Soviet and Soviet Bloc activity in Yemen.
Memorandum from Saunders to Kaysen, June 26, 1963. Comments on the situation in Yemen and U.S. courses of action.
Telegram from the Embassy in Saudi Arabia to the Department of State, June 28, 1963. Question of disparity between Saudi and U.S. view of mission of Hard Surface forces.
Telegram from Kaysen to Kennedy, June 28, 1963. Dispatch of U.S. air squadron to Saudi Arabia.
Message from Kennedy to Faisal, July 1, 1963. U.S. assurances regarding the disengagement in Yemen.
Memorandum from Komer to Kennedy, July 2, 1963. Request for final approval to send aircraft to Saudi Arabia.
Telegram from the Embassy in the United Arab Republic to the Department of State, July 11, 1963. Report of Badeau-Nasser meeting on the situation in Yemen.
Memorandum from Komer to Kennedy, July 12, 1963. Report on the situation in Yemen.
Memorandum from Komer to McGeorge Bundy, July 15, 1963. Report of expressions of U.S. concern at alleged UAR use of poison gas in Yemen.
Editorial Note. U.K. concern over UAR failure to withdraw troops from Yemen; request to U Thant to send a special representative to Yemen; U.S. proposal for secret direct talks between Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Republic.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, July 23, 1963. Summary of Kennedy-Kamel meeting on U.S.-UAR relations.
Memorandum of conversation, July 24, 1963. Presentation of credentials by Yemeni Ambassador to Kennedy and discussion of situation in Yemen.
Memorandum from Read to McGeorge Bundy, July 30, 1963. Summary of message from Nasser to Kennedy regarding withdrawal of UAR forces from Yemen.
Telegram from the Department of State to Rusk, at Moscow, August 5, 1963. Desirability of dispatching UN emissary to Yemen.
Memorandum from Komer to Kennedy, August 9, 1963. Status of situation in Yemen.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, August 9, 1963. Effort to arrange direct UAR-Saudi talks on Yemen.
Memorandum on the substance of discussions at a State-JCS meeting, August 16, 1963. Discussion of the Hard Surface deployment and the situation in Yemen.
Memorandum from Komer to Kennedy, August 16, 1963. Status of situation in Yemen.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, August 22, 1963. Instructions to meet with Nasser to discuss Yemen situation and U.S. proposals for future courses of action.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Saudi Arabia, August 26, 1963. Transmits message from Kennedy to Faisal and oral points to make concerning Saudi cooperation in the disengagement effort.
Message from Rusk to Lord Home, September 7, 1963. Exchange of views on UAR activities in Yemen and the UN disengagement operation.
Paper by Komer, September 20, 1963. Analysis of the situation in Yemen and recommendations for further actions.
Memorandum from Komer to Kennedy, October 7, 1963. Status of situation in Yemen and possible courses of action.
Memorandum for the record, October 8, 1963. Record of Kennedy-McNamara meeting and Presidential decision to take action to contain the situation in the Near East; deployment of air and naval units.
Letter from Nitze to Talbot, October 8, 1963. Defense agreement to extension of Hard Surface forces.
National Security Action Memorandum No. 262, October 10, 1963. To Rusk and McNamara on courses of action to promote disengagement in Yemen.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Consulate General in Istanbul, October 16, 1963. Possible courses of action in Yemen.
Telegram from the Consulate General in Istanbul to the Department of State, October 18, 1963. Report of Chiefs of Mission meeting discussion and recommendations regarding the situation in Yemen.
Letter from Rusk to Ormsby Gore, October 19, 1963. Explication of the U.S. position and actions on the situation in Yemen.
Memorandum from Komer to McGeorge Bundy, October 19, 1963. Report on the situation in Yemen and future courses of action.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Saudi Arabia, October 19, 1963. Transmits text of oral message from Kennedy to Faisal on possible termination of UNYOM.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, October 19, 1963. Transmits text of oral message from Kennedy to Nasser on UAR failure to carry out its part of Yemen disengagement agreement.
Telegram from the Embassy in the United Arab Republic to the Department of State, October 21, 1963. Report of meeting with Nasser on situation in Yemen.
Telegram from the Consulate General in Dhahran to the Department of State, October 24, 1963. Report of meeting with Faisal on extension of UNYOM and situation in Yemen.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Saudi Arabia, October 28, 1963. Question of Saudi support of UNYOM, UAR withdrawal of forces, withdrawal of Hard Surface forces.
Memorandum from Komer to McGeorge Bundy, October 30, 1963. Situation in Yemen and U.S. policy.
National Intelligence Estimate, NIE 36.7-63, November 6, 1963. The Situation and Prospects in Yemen.
Letter from Talbot to William Bundy, November 6, 1963. Question of the extension of Hard Surface.
Memorandum of telephone conversation, November 13, 1963. Rusk-Talbot conversation: failure of Yemen disengagement.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, November 20, 1963. Question of withdrawal of UAR forces from Yemen.
Memorandum from Talbot to Rusk, November 23, 1963. Review of situation in the Near East and potential problems for President Johnson.
Telegram from the Embassy in Saudi Arabia to the Department of State, November 30, 1963. Hart’s comments and recommendations regarding disengagement in Yemen.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Saudi Arabia, December 1, 1963. Explication U.S. future courses of action regarding Yemen and instructions to Ambassadors.
Memorandum for the record, December 2, 1963. Record of Johnson-McCone meeting: Yemen and Syria.
Memorandum from Komer to McGeorge Bundy, December 3, 1963. Summary of issues for Presidential approval: Yemen, Arab-Israeli problems.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Kingdom, December 3, 1963. U.S. interest in good U.K.-Yemen relations.
Memorandum of conversation, December 6, 1963. Meeting of Harriman and oil company executives to discuss developments in the Near East and OPEC.
Paper prepared in the Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, December 11, 1963. “Appraisal and Recommended Course of Action Regarding Yemen.”
Telegram from the Department of State to the Mission to the United Nations, December 18, 1963. U.S. interest in continued UN presence in Yemen.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Saudi Arabia, December 19, 1963. Transmits letter from Johnson to Faisal on U.S.-Saudi relations, Yemen.
Memorandum of conversation, December 19, 1963. Rusk-Butler exchange of views on the situation in Yemen.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, December 23, 1963. Transmits oral message from Johnson to Nasser on Yemen.
Circular telegram from the Department of State to certain posts, December 23, 1963. Instructions to Hart and Badeau to meet with Faisal and Nasser to gain cooperation in disengagement in Yemen.
Memorandum from the Joint Chiefs of Staff to McNamara, December 24, 1963. JCS views on withdrawal of Hard Surface forces.
Memorandum for the record, December 27, 1963. Record of Johnson-McCone meeting: discussion of Yemen.


Memorandum from Komer to Kennedy, July 16, 1962. Concern with survival of Amini and Iranian financial crisis.
Memorandum from Komer to Kennedy, July 18, 1962. Recommendation to support Amini.
Memorandum from Komer to McGeorge Bundy, July 19, 1962. Concern with Iranian financial situation.
Letter from Kennedy to the Shah of Iran, August 1, 1962. Assurances to the Shah of U.S. appreciation and support; comments on the U.S. Military Assistance Plan.
Editorial Note. Vice President Johnson’s trip to the Near East.
Special National Intelligence Estimate 34–62, September 7, 1962. Political Prospects for Iran.
Letter from Talbot to Gilpatric, September 13, 1962. Approval of U.S. military assistance to Iran.
Memorandum from Komer to McGeorge Bundy, September 14, 1962. Question of Iranian statement that no foreign bases would be allowed on Iranian territory.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Iran, September 18, 1962. Limits on U.S. military assistance to Iran.
Memorandum of conversation, September 19, 1962. Shah meeting with U.S. military officers and Holmes: U.S. Five-Year Military Program for Iran.
Memorandum from Holmes to the Shah of Iran, September 19, 1962. U.S. Five-Year Military Program for Iran.
Paper by Komer, October 20, 1962. Situation in Iran and recommendations for U.S. policy.
Memorandum for the Record, November 5, 1962. Minutes of meeting of the Special Group (CI): internal security situation in Iran.
Memorandum from Brubeck to McGeorge Bundy, January 21, 1963. Recent changes in Iran and opportunities for U.S. assistance.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Iran, January 28, 1963. Concern about demonstrations in Iran.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Iran, January 29, 1963. Transmits text of message from Kennedy to Shah.
Memorandum for the record, February 28, 1963. Minutes of the Special Group (Counterinsurgency) meeting: progress report on the Internal Defense Plan for Iran.
National Security Action Memorandum No. 228, March 14, 1963. Kennedy’s request for a review of U.S. policy and programs in Iran.
Special National Intelligence Estimate, SNIE 34–63, April 10, 1963. The Iranian situation.
Memorandum from Rusk to Kennedy, April 20, 1963. Report on U.S. strategy for Iran (NSAM No. 228).
Telegram from the Embassy in Iran to the Department of State, April 29, 1963. Report of Rusk-Shah meeting.
Memorandum for the record, May 2, 1963. Minutes of the Special Group (CI) meeting: situation in Iran.
Memorandum from Komer to McGeorge Bundy, May 16, 1963. U.S. policy toward Iran.
Summary record of National Security Council Standing Group meeting no. 6/63, May 21, 1963. Discussion of State Department report on Iran.
Memorandum from Gilpatric to William Bundy, May 22, 1963. NSC Standing Group discussion of Iran.
Memorandum from Talbot to Rusk, June 6, 1963. Information memorandum on the rioting in Iran.
Memorandum from Gen. Krulak to Gen. Taylor, June 13, 1963. Information on the insurgency in Iran.
Telegram from the Embassy in Iran to the Department of State, June 24, 1963. Report of a conversation with the Shah on the situation in Iran.
Memorandum for the record, June 28, 1963. Minutes of the Special Group (CI) meeting on the progress report on the Internal Defense Plan for Iran.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Iran, July 16, 1963. Transmits text of message from Kennedy to the Shah on general situation in the Near East, Iraq, rioting in Iran.
Memorandum from Talbot to Rusk, October 5, 1963. Question of deportation of anti-Shah Iranian students in the United States.
Memorandum for the record, October 17, 1963. Minutes of the Special Group (CI) meeting: Progress report on the Internal Defense Plan for Iran.
Memorandum from Komer to McGeorge Bundy, December 3, 1963. Analysis of the situation in the Near East: Arab-Israeli problems, Iran.
Memorandum on the substance of discussion at the State-JCS meeting, December 6, 1963. Discussion of situation in Iran.
Memorandum from Polk to Rostow, December 17, 1963. Report on changes in Iran.


Telegram from the Embassy in Iraq to the Department of State, September 20, 1962. Report of meeting with Kurdistan Democratic Party official; U.S. policy toward the Kurdish rebellion.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Iraq, February 5, 1963. Consideration of possible courses of action in light of Qasim’s charges.
Memorandum from Fuqua to Sloan, February 8, 1963. Report of coup in Iraq.
Memorandum from Rusk to Kennedy, February 9, 1963. Request for authority to recognize the new regime in Iraq.
Memorandum from Brubeck to McGeorge Bundy, February 13, 1963. U.S. relations with the new regime in Iraq.
Memorandum from Komer to Kennedy, February 20, 1963. Brief review of U.S. actions regarding Iraq.
Memorandum from Rusk to Kennedy, February 22, 1963. Status report on U.S. posture toward Iraq.
Memorandum of discussion, February 28, 1963. McCone-McGeorge Bundy meeting: Iraq and Yemen conflict.
Memorandum from Komer to McGeorge Bundy, March 1, 1963. Kurdish problem in Iraq; Yemen problem.
Circular airgram from the Department of State to certain posts, March 2, 1963. Interim policy guidelines for dealing with Iraq and the implications for the Near East of the Iraqi coup.
Memorandum from Komer to McGeorge Bundy, March 6, 1963. Possible consequences of Iraqi coup.
Memorandum from the Joint Chiefs of Staff to McNamara, March 9, 1963. JCS views of U.S. policy for Iraq.
Memorandum from Saunders to McGeorge Bundy, April 2, 1963. Extent of U.S. economic and military assistance to the new Iraqi regime.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Iraq, April 5, 1963. Concern over the possible resumption of hostilities between the Iraqi Government and the Kurds.
Circular airgram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Iraq, April 18, 1963. Background information on U.S. arms policy for Iraq.
Circular telegram from the Department of State to certain posts, April 19, 1963. Assessment and guidance on Arab unity proclamation.
Memorandum for the Record, May 16, 1963. Minutes of the Special Group (CI) meeting: implications of a renewal of Kurdish hostilities.
Memorandum from Brubeck to McGeorge Bundy, June 19, 1963. Status of U.S. military and economic assistance to Iraq.
Memorandum from Komer to Kennedy, July 10, 1963. Status of U.S. aid to Iraq.
Memorandum from McKesson to McGeorge Bundy, August 6, 1963. Summary of letter from Iraqi Kurdish leader to Kennedy requesting U.S. support for Kurdish autonomy.
Memorandum from the Joint Chiefs of Staff to McNamara, August 15, 1963. JCS views of U.S. assistance for Iraq.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Syria, October 19, 1963. Instruction to convey to Arab leaders U.S. concern for stability and integrity of Jordan.
Circular telegram from the Department of State to certain posts, November 15, 1963. Situation report on Iraqi crisis and Department’s assessment.
Memorandum from Quinn to McNamara, November 18, 1963. DIA report on the military takeover in Iraq.
Circular telegram from the Department of State to certain posts, November 21, 1963. Situation report on Iraqi crisis and Department’s comments.


Memorandum from Talbot to Rusk, July 9, 1962. Recommendations for U.S. policy toward Israel.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Israel, July 18, 1962. Report of Talbot-Harman meeting regarding U.S.-Israeli relations.
Memorandum from Rusk to Kennedy, August 7, 1962. Review of U.S. policy toward Israel; recommendation to sell Hawk missiles to Israel if effort to obtain arms limitation arrangement unsuccessful.
Memorandum from Feldman to Kennedy, August 10, 1962. Comments on papers on U.S. policy toward Israel (Document 14) and the Johnson Plan (Document 15).
Letter from Kennedy to Ben Gurion, August 15, 1962. Introduces Myer Feldman as the President’s emissary to discuss the Johnson Plan.
Message from McGeorge Bundy to Kennedy, August 19, 1962. Account of meeting with Lord Hood concerning U.S. willingness to sell Hawk missiles to Israel.
Telegram from the Embassy in Israel to the Department of State, August 19, 1962. Feldman’s meeting with Israeli officials, including Ben Gurion, to discuss Hawk missiles and the Johnson Plan.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Israel, August 20, 1962. Comments on Feldman’s meeting with Israeli officials.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, August 21, 1962. Informs the Embassy of Feldman’s meeting with Israeli officials.
Telegram from the Embassy in Israel to the Department of State, August 21, 1962. Feldman’s meeting with Meir to discuss the Johnson Plan and the direct negotiations resolution.
Telegram from the Embassy in the United Arab Republic to the Department of State, August 24, 1962. Conversation with Nasser: Hawk missile purchase by Israel and the Johnson Plan.
Circular telegram from the Department of State to certain posts, September 14, 1962. U.S. willingness to sell Hawk missile system to Israel.
Memorandum from Komer to McGeorge Bundy, September 14, 1962. Johnson Plan and sale of Hawk missiles to Israel; U.S. relations with the United Arab Republic.
Memorandum from McGeorge Bundy to Komer, September 20, 1962. Israeli opposition to the Johnson Plan.
Memorandum from Talbot to Rusk, September 20, 1962. Israeli opposition to the Johnson Plan.
Editorial Note. Israeli opposition to the Johnson Plan.
Memorandum of conversation, September 26, 1962. Talbot-Kamel meeting to inform the United Arab Republic of U.S. willingness to sell missiles to Israel.
Telegram from Rusk to the Department of State, September 26, 1962. Report of Rusk-Meir meeting on Israeli objections to the Johnson Plan.
Memorandum from Komer to Kaysen, September 29, 1962. Summary of Rusk-Meir meeting and recommendation for continued support of the Johnson Plan.
Circular Airgram from the Department of State to certain posts, October 31, 1962. Visit by two U.S. scientists to the Israeli nuclear reactor at Dimona.
Memorandum from Komer to Kennedy, December 22, 1962. Transmits briefing papers for the President’s talk with Meir and recommendation for taking a tougher line during the discussion.
Memorandum of conversation, December 27, 1962. Kennedy-Meir meeting: Israeli security, Israeli-UAR relations, Palestinian refugees.
Memorandum of conversation, February 7, 1963. Crawford (NE)-Campbell (IO)-Bar-Haim (Israeli Embassy) meeting: U.S. position on the status of Jerusalem.
Memorandum from the Board of National Estimates, CIA, to McCone, March 6, 1963. Consequences of Israeli acquisition of nuclear capability.
Memorandum for the record, March 26, 1963. Record of McCone-Rusk meeting regarding U.S. policy in the Near East and Israli’s nuclear program.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Israel, April 4, 1963. Report of U. Alexis Johnson-Peres meeting: exchange of views on Near East.
Memorandum of telephone conversation, April 5, 1963. Talbot-Feldman conversation: report of talk between Kennedy and Peres on Near East danger points and importance of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.
Memorandum from Brubeck to McGeorge Bundy, April 27, 1963. Summary of Ben Gurion’s letter to Kennedy requesting a joint U.S.-USSR security guarantee of Near East countries.
Memorandum for the record, April 27, 1963. Presidential meeting on the situation in Jordan and possible U.S. courses of action.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Israel, April 27, 1963. Information on possible coup in Jordan.
Memorandum of conversation, April 27, 1963. Ball-Harman meeting on the situation in Jordan and possible Israeli actions.
Memorandum of conversation, April 28, 1963. Ball-Harman meeting on the situation in Jordan.
Memorandum of telephone conversation, April 29, 1963. McGeorge Bundy-Ball conversation on the situation in Jordan.
Memorandum from Komer to McGeorge Bundy, April 30, 1963. Comments on the situation in Jordan and Israeli reactions to it.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Israel, May 4, 1963. Transmits text of letter from Kennedy to Ben Gurion concerning situation in the Near East, U.S. concern with Israeli security, Jordan, Arab unity.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Israel, May 10, 1963. Kennedy’s desire for prompt Israeli agreement for semi-annual visits to Dimona.
Editorial Note. McCone-Rusk meeting, May 13, 1963, on Israel’s nuclear program.
Memorandum from Brubeck to McGeorge Bundy, May 14, 1963. Summary of Ben Gurion’s May 12 letter to Kennedy on proposed U.S.-USSR security guarantee.
Memorandum from Talbot to Rusk, May 14, 1963. Plan of action for a Near East arms limitation and control arrangement.
Memorandum for the record, May 14, 1963. Record of Komer-Gazit meeting on Israeli security concerns.
Memorandum from Komer to Kennedy, May 16, 1963. Comments on State Department’s scenario for responding to Israeli requests for a security guarantee.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Israel, May 18, 1963. Transmits text of letter from Kennedy to Ben Gurion on arrangements to visit Dimona.
Letter from Talbot to Badeau, May 20, 1963. Informs the Ambassador of Presidential interest in satisfying Israel’s desire for a security guarantee and seeking an arms limitation arrangement.
Memorandum from Brubeck to McGeorge Bundy, May 29, 1963. Comments on Ben Gurion’s reply on the U.S. request for semi-annual visits to Dimona.
Memorandum from Brubeck to McGeorge Bundy, June 12, 1963. Comments on Ben Gurion’s offer to allow visits to Dimona.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embasy in Israel, June 15, 1963. Transmits text of letter from Kennedy to Ben Gurion regarding visits to Dimona.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Israel, July 4, 1963. Transmits text of letter from Kennedy to Eshkol regarding visits to Dimona.
Memorandum from Komer to Kennedy, July 19, 1963. Comments on Israeli position on visits to Dimona and connection to arms control initiative.
Memorandum from Komer to Kennedy, July 23, 1963. Briefing paper for meeting to consider next steps on arms control initiative.
Memorandum of conversation, July 23, 1963. Kennedy, Ball, McCloy, et al. discussion of the arms limitation initiative and a security guarantee for Israel.
Memorandum from the Joint Chiefs of Staff to McNamara, August 7, 1963. Question of a U.S. security assurance to Israel.
Memorandum from Komer to Kennedy, August 22, 1963. Report of incidents along the Syrian-Israeli armistice line.
Letter from Sloan to Grant, August 22, 1963. Discussion of the question of a U.S. security guarantee for Israel.
Memorandum from Ball to Kennedy, August 23, 1963. Comments on Israeli offer for visits to Dimona.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Israel, August 26, 1963. Transmits letter from Kennedy to Eshkol concerning visits to Dimona.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Mission to the United Nations, August 27, 1963. Questions of the resolution on the Israeli complaint in the UN Security Council and strengthening UNTSO machinery.
Memorandum from Read to McGeorge Bundy, September 20, 1963. Proposed reply to Ben-Gurion’s letter requesing a security guarantee for Israel.
Memorandum of conversation, September 30, 1963. Rusk-Meir meeting: Israeli concerns about security, UAR nuclear capability, regional disarmament.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Israel, October 2, 1963. Transmits letter from Kennedy to Eshkol on U.S. position on Israeli security.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Israel, October 16, 1963. Question of Israeli security concerns.
Memorandum from Read to McGeorge Bundy, November 9, 1963. Summary of Eshkol’s letter on Israeli security concerns.
Circular telegram from the Department of State to certain posts, November 13, 1963. Information on the November 12–13 U.S.-Israeli talks on Israeli security concerns and the UAR military threat,
Memorandum for the record, November 14, 1963. Record of meeting with Israeli officials to summarize November 12–13 talks on Israeli and UAR military capability.
Memorandum for the record, November 21, 1963. Record of Komer meeting with Gazit on Palestine refugee item in the United Nations, U.S.-Israeli relationship, Israeli security concerns.
Memorandum from Talbot to Rusk, November 23, 1963. Review of situation in the Near East and potential problems for President Johnson.
Memorandum from Komer to McGeorge Bundy, December 3, 1963. Summary of issues for Presidential approval: Yemen, Arab-Israeli problems.
Special National Intelligence Estimate, SNIE 30-4–63, December 4, 1963. The UAR Missile Program and Its Implications for Israel.


Letter from Kennedy to King Hussein, September 13, 1962. Support of the Johnson Plan; U.S. support for Jordan.
Memorandum by Strong (NE), April 25, 1963. Situation in Jordan.
Memorandum of telephone conversation, April 27, 1963. Ball-McNamara conversation on the situation in Jordan.
Memorandum for the record, April 27, 1963. Presidential meeting on the situation in Jordan and possible U.S. courses of action.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Israel, April 27, 1963. Information on possible coup in Jordan.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic. UAR concerns about the situation in Jordan and possible Israeli military moves.
Memorandum of conversation, April 27, 1963. Ball-Harman meeting on the situation in Jordan and possible Israeli actions.
Telegram from the Embassy in Jordan to the Department of State, April 28, 1963. Report of meeting with Hussein: Hussein’s comments on possible visit to Jordan by UN official Spinelli.
Memorandum of conversation, April 28, 1963. Ball-Harman meeting on the situation in Jordan.
Memorandum of telephone conversation, April 29, 1963. McGeorge Bundy-Ball conversation on the situation in Jordan.
Memorandum from Komer to McGeorge Bundy, April 30, 1963. Comments on the situation in Jordan and Israeli reactions to it.
Memorandum from Komer to Kennedy, May 2, 1963. Report on U.S. actions to show military interest in Jordan and dispatch of air squadron to Saudi Arabia.
Editorial Note. U.S.-U.K. meetings, May 8-9, 1963, on contingency planning regarding Jordan.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Syria, October 19, 1963. Instruction to convey to Arab leaders U.S. concern for stability and integrity of Jordan.
Memorandum for the record, November 21, 1963. Minutes of Special Group (Counterinsurgency) meeting: Internal Defense Plan for Jordan.


Editorial Note. Vice President Johnson’s trip to the Near East.

Saudi Arabia

Memorandum from Brubeck to O’Donnell, August 6, 1962. Question of a visit by Crown Prince Faisal with President Kennedy.
Memorandum of conversation, September 27, 1962. Rusk-Faisal meeting: general discussion of Near East situation.
Memorandum from Komer to Kennedy, October 4, 1962. Briefing for Faisal’s visit to the United States.
Memorandum of conversation, October 5, 1962. Kennedy-Faisal meeting: exchange of views on situation in Yemen and U.S. relations with Saudi Arabia.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Saudi Arabia, November 2, 1962. Instructions to deliver letter from Kennedy to Faisal repeating U.S. support for Saudi Arabia.
Memorandum from the Joint Chiefs of Staff to McNamara, November 9, 1962. Possible U.S. military support for Saudi Arabia.
Memorandum from Brubeck to McGeorge Bundy, February 24, 1963. Review of U.S. policy toward the conflict in Yemen; proposal to station a U.S. fighter squadron in Saudi Arabia.
Memorandum for the record, February 25, 1963. Meeting among Kennedy, McGhee, Talbot, Nitze, Gen. Wheeler, et al.: Discussion of U.S. policy toward the conflict in Yemen; question of stationing a U.S. fighter squadron in Saudi Arabia.
National Security Action Memorandum No. 227, February 27, 1963. Presidential decisions taken at the February 25 meeting on Yemen.
Memorandum from the Joint Chiefs of Staff to McNamara, March 6, 1963. Possible courses of action to support Saudi Arabia.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, April 13, 1963. Instructions to inform Nasser of U.S. training exercise in Saudi Arabia and dispatch of air squadron.
Telegram from Kaysen to Hart, June 8, 1963. Transmits text of message from Kennedy to Faisal regarding UAR bombing of Saudi territory.
Memorandum from Rusk to Kennedy, June 12, 1963. Recommendation to send the air squadron to Saudi Arabia; enclosed is text of revised “Mission” and “Rules of Engagement.”
Memorandum from Komer to Kennedy, June 13, 1963. Request for Presidential authority to send air squadron to Saudi Arabia; question of U.S. Jewish servicemen serving in Saudi Arabia.
Editorial Note. Presidential approval of deployment of air squadron to Saudi Arabia using the codeword Hard Surface; U.S. Jewish servicemen in Saudi Arabia.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Saudi Arabia, June 14, 1963. Transmits amended mission and rules of engagement for Operation Hard Surface forces.
Telegram from the Embassy in Saudi Arabia to the Department of State, June 28, 1963. Question of disparity between Saudi and U.S. view of mission of Hard Surface forces.
Telegram from Kaysen to Kennedy, June 28, 1963. Dispatch of U.S. air squadron to Saudi Arabia.
Message from Kennedy to Faisal, July 1, 1963. U.S. assurances regarding the disengagement in Yemen.
Memorandum from Komer to Kennedy, July 2, 1963. Request for final approval to send aircraft to Saudi Arabia.
Memorandum on the substance of discussions at a State-JCS meeting, August 16, 1963. Discussion of the Hard Surface deployment and the situation in Yemen.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Saudi Arabia, August 26, 1963. Transmits message from Kennedy to Faisal and oral points to make concerning Saudi cooperation in the disengagement effort.
Letter from Nitze to Talbot, October 8, 1963. Defense agreement to extension of Hard Surface forces.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Saudi Arabia, October 19, 1963. Transmits text of oral message from Kennedy to Faisal on possible termination of UNYOM.
Letter from Talbot to William Bundy, November 6, 1963. Question of the extension of Hard Surface.
Paper prepared in the Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs, December 11, 1963. “Appraisal and Recommended Course of Action Regarding Yemen.”
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Saudi Arabia, December 19, 1963. Transmits letter from Johnson to Faisal on U.S.-Saudi relations, Yemen.
Circular telegram from the Department of State to certain posts, December 23, 1963. Instructions to Hart and Badeau to meet with Faisal and Nasser to gain cooperation in disengagement in Yemen.
Memorandum from the Joint Chiefs of Staff to McNamara, December 24, 1963. JCS views on withdrawal of Hard Surface forces.
Memorandum for the record, December 27, 1963. Record of Johnson-McCone meeting: discussion of Yemen.


Memorandum from Brubeck to McGeorge Bundy, January 26, 1963. Recommendation for a Presidential message to Syrian President Qudsi.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the Syrian Arab Republic, January 28, 1963. Transmits text of message from Kennedy to Qudsi.
Memorandum from Hilsman (INR) to Rusk, March 8, 1963. Report of Syrian Army coup.
Circular telegram from the Department of State to certain posts, March 8, 1963. Department’s preliminary assessment of the Syrian coup.
Memorandum from Rusk to Kennedy, March 10, 1963. Request for contingency authority to recognize the new Syrian regime.
Memorandum from Brubeck to McGeorge Bundy, March 12, 1963. Summary of a study of the motivations and implications of the coup in Syria.
Memorandum from Brubeck to McGeorge Bundy, March 23, 1963. Prospects for a Syria-Iraq-UAR federation and U.S. posture toward the Syrian Arab Republic.
Circular telegram from the Department of State to certain posts, April 19, 1963. Assessment and guidance on Arab unity proclamation.
Memorandum from Komer to Kennedy, August 22, 1963. Report of incidents along the Syrian-Israeli armistice line.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Mission to the United Nations, August 27, 1963. Questions of the resolution on the Israeli complaint in the UN Security Council and strengthening UNTSO machinery.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in Syria, October 19, 1963. Instruction to convey to Arab leaders U.S. concern for stability and integrity of Jordan.
Memorandum for the record, December 2, 1963. Record of Johnson-McCone meeting: Yemen and Syria.

United Arab Republic

Memorandum from Brubeck to Bundy, July 7, 1962. U.S. economic aid to the United Arab Republic and UAR ability to purchase arms from the Soviet bloc.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, July 19, 1962. Positive reaction to Nasser’s June 21 letter to Kennedy.
Memorandum from Brubeck to McGeorge Bundy, July 28, 1962. Report of Kamel’s consultations in Cairo and state of U.S.-UAR and Kennedy-Nasser relations.
Memorandum from Brubeck to Bundy, August 3, 1962. Relationship of UAR activities to U.S. economic assistance.
Letter from Kennedy to Nasser, August 16, 1962. Improvement in U.S.-UAR relations.
Telegram from the Embassy in the United Arab Republic to the Department of State, August 24, 1962. Conversation with Nasser: Hawk missile purchase by Israel and the Johnson Plan.
Memorandum from Komer to McGeorge Bundy, September 14, 1962. Johnson Plan and sale of Hawk missiles to Israel; U.S. relations with the United Arab Republic.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, September 19, 1962. U.S. assistance to the United Arab Republic.
Memorandum of conversation, September 26, 1962. Talbot-Kamel meeting to inform the United Arab Republic of U.S. willingness to sell missiles to Israe.
Memorandum from Komer to Kennedy, October 5, 1962. Question of signing the multiyear P.L. 480 agreement with the United Arab Republic.
Memorandum from Rusk to Kennedy, December 17, 1962. Recommendation that the President approve a visit by Nasser.
Memorandum of conversation, December 21, 1962. Badeau-Talbot meeting: Review of U.S. policy toward the UAR; decisions reached during Badeau’s consultations in Washington.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, December 24, 1962. Transmits text of message from Kennedy to Nasser regarding U.S.-UAR relations, Yemen, and Saudi Arabia.
Memorandum from Talbot to Rusk, January 2, 1963. Rationale for U.S. policy toward the United Arab Republic.
Memorandum from Komer to McGeorge Bundy, January 2, 1963. Delay of invitation to Nasser; Saudi reaction to the bombing of Najran.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, January 19, 1963. Transmits text of message from Kennedy to Nasser.
Assessment prepated by the Defense Intelligence Agency, January 24, 1963. Missile Potential of the United Arab Republic.
Memorandum for the record, January 28, 1963. Meeting between Komer and Kermit Roosevelt; concern of the oil companies over U.S. policies in Yemen and toward Nasser.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, March 2, 1963. Instructions for delivery of oral message from Kennedy to Nasser regarding problems in U.S.-UAR relations.
Editorial Note. Summary of Badeau-Nasser meeting: Yemen; UAR propaganda attacks.
Memorandum from Brubeck to McGeorge Bundy, March 10, 1963. Comments on Nasser’s March 3 letter to Kennedy.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, April 18, 1963. Transmits letter from Kennedy to Nasser on Yemen, arms in the Near East, Arab refugees.
Circular telegram from the Department of State to certain posts, April 19, 1963. Assessment and guidance on Arab unity proclamation.
Memorandum for the record, April 27, 1963. Presidential meeting on the situation in Jordan and possible U.S. courses of action.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic. UAR concerns about the situation in Jordan and possible Israeli military moves.
Memorandum from Brubeck to McGeorge Bundy, May 8, 1963. Justification of U.S. aid to the United Arab Republic.
Memorandum from Talbot to Rusk, May 14, 1963. Plan of action for a Near East arms limitation and control arrangement.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, May 27, 1963. Transmits letter from Kennedy to Nasser regarding U.S. desire to maintain peace and stability in the Near East and dispatch of a Presidential emissary.
Memorandum from Brubeck to McGeorge Bundy, June 11, 1963. Summary of and comments on Nasser’s June 7 reply to Kennedy’s May 27 letter.
Memorandum for the record, June 15, 1963. Presidential meeting with McCloy, Special Emissary for the Near East Arms Limitation Initiative, on the mission.
Telegram from the Embassy in the United Arab Republic to the Department of State, June 28, 1963. From McCloy: report of a meeting with Nasser on the proposal for an arms control initiative.
Telegram from the Embassy in the United Arab Republic to the Department of State, June 30, 1963. From McCloy: report of a meeting with Nasser on the arms control initiative.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, July 23, 1963. Summary of Kennedy-Kamel meeting on U.S.-UAR relations.
Memorandum from Read to McGeorge Bundy, July 30, 1963. Summary of message from Nasser to Kennedy regarding withdrawal of UAR forces from Yemen.
Memorandum from Read to McGeorge Bundy, September 6, 1963. Encloses paper on the U.S.-UAR relationship in preparation for the visit of Kaissouni to Washington.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, September 12, 1963. Transmits draft of the text of letter from Kennedy to Nasser on the Near East arms limitation effort.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, September 12, 1963. Instructions for oral statement to Nasser on the Near East arms limitation effort.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, September 20, 1963. Question of U.S. balance-of-payments assistance to the United Arab Republic.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, October 19, 1963. Transmits text of oral message from Kennedy to Nasser on UAR failure to carry out its part of Yemen disengagement agreement.
Memorandum from McGeorge Bundy to Senator Fulbright, November 11, 1963. Nasser’s views on U.S.-UAR relations.
Memorandum from Talbot to Rusk, November 23, 1963. Review of situation in the Near East and potential problems for President Johnson.
Letter from Talbot to Badeau, December 4, 1963. Comments on the Gruening Amendment and U.S. assistance to the United Arab Republic.
Special National Intelligence Estimate, SNIE 30-4–63, December 4, 1963. The UAR Missile Program and Its Implications for Israel.
Telegram from the Department of State to the Embassy in the United Arab Republic, December 23, 1963. Transmits oral message from Johnson to Nasser on Yemen.
Memorandum from Komer to McGeorge Bundy, December 30, 1963. Report on Nasser’s speech at Port Said.