325. Telegram From the Consulate General in the Dominican Republic to the Department of State1

950. Return of Trujillo brothers, Generals Hector and Arismendi, on 15 November has precipitated behind-the-scenes national crisis. American ConGen has stated flatly that Hector and Arismendi must leave today or US will be confronted with decision to withdraw support in OAS for partial lifting sanctions. General Ramfis Trujillo, head of Dominican armed forces, submitted offer of resignation to President Balaguer yesterday and has withdrawn to Bocachica villa. President Balaguer has stated he himself will resign if brothers do not leave. Resignation or withdrawals of Ramfis and Balaguer will leave country without actual or titular head. In this event, power struggle likely between older officers headed by Hector and Arismendi and younger officers headed by Sanchez and Leonestevez.

In view of above, ConGen requests estimate of forces available and reaction times to execute phase one, two, and four of OPN 05-61.2

This does not constitute expectation activation these phases at this time. This information needed for contingency planning here.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 739.00/11-1661. Secret; Niact; Operational Immediate.
  2. Not further identified.