140. Telegram 254 to Guatemala City, November 271

[Facsimile Page 1]

Subject: Guatemalan Plans for Constitutionality.

Department continues have keen interest in return of constitutional government in Guatemala. When opportune, Ambassador should seek to elicit from Peralta his latest thinking on measures to restore constitutionality. FYI. During visit for funeral President Kennedy, Aguilar de Leon stated Peralta contemplating having a constituent assembly early in 1964 to prepare new constitution. He indicated that transitory article to constitution would give constitutional status to Peralta who would [Typeset Page 347] continue in office until 1964. Aguilar not clear how constituent assembly would be created but implied that it would be based on some degree of political activity. Questions will arise if constituent assembly is not representative body, has not come into being by free choice of people, and serves only to perpetuate Peralta in office. Such steps would arouse criticism in hemisphere and would make it extremely difficult for Guatemala to qualify for exception to restrictions on foreign aid to military governments likely to be imposed by Congress. END FYI.

  1. Guatemalan plans for return to constitutional government. Confidential. 1 p. DOS, CF, POL 15 GUAT.