90. Telegram From Michael V. Forrestal of the National Security Council Staff to the President, at Palm Beach, Florida1
The telegram was sent in response to telegram PBWH07 from Captain Shepard to McGeorge Bundy, sent from Palm Beach at 2 p.m. April 16, which reads: “The President asked for a report on the use of the chemicals in RVN. What good did they do? Stop any further use until there has been an analysis.” (Ibid.)
CAP 63195. Only chemicals which have been used in Vietnam are ordinary weed killers similar to those in common use in the United States. Report on their effectiveness both as defoliants and to destroy crops has been in preparation by Defense and State for the past three weeks and will be available by week end. Since last December no further crop destruction has been authorized and none may be authorized without your approval. Except for clearing of railroad right of way no defoliation is planned within the next few weeks. Suggest you review matter after seeing report on your return.
- Source: Kennedy Library, National Security Files, Vietnam Country Series, /4/63-5/63. Secret; Operational Immediate. Transmission was authorized by Bromley Smith. Sent to the President’s naval aide, Captain Tazewell T Shepard, for the President. A handwritten note on the source text indicates that the President read the telegram.↩