47. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Vietnam1

Aidto 1658. Joint State/AID/Defense message. Subject: Counter Insurgency Measures.

Measures to deny VC sources of supply have received considerable Washington attention recently. Realize CT has considered subject, and that with respect to proposals for control of movement of goods and people, a public safety pilot project being undertaken Phu Yen and that a PROHAB committee established to study subject.

Also realize this is complex subject related to total anti-commie effort on which fully integrated CT judgment must be brought to bear. Recognize this subject also element of recently submitted Comprehensive Plan and plans for intensified national effort this year. We anxious be kept informed your plans and developments in this regard and without attempting second-guess CT, would appreciate your views on following:

Desirability of not augmenting planned number of men under arms for above supply denial function, but rather drawing needed personnel from already existing paramilitary organizations.
Desirability of establishing clear responsibility for movement control as primary mission of force charged therewith.
Importance of assigning local personnel to movement control functions as to give appearance of indigenous control effort rather than of imposing outside control.
Need to adapt control system to province chief command structure while developing centralized data collection and professional guidance systems.
Need to develop program in way which would complement and support, and not impair key political aspect of developing grassroots political strength for struggle against VC.
Need to develop clear lines of responsibility as between civilian police authorities and military/paramilitary forces depending upon actual conditions in area concerned.
Need to avoid identification U.S. personnel with actual movement control operations.
What new U.S. costs may be involved and can they be offset by concomitant savings to U.S. programs by reason of utilization of personnel or equipment already available.

Would appreciate early reply on interim basis if necessary.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, AID(US) S VIET Confidential. Drafted by Walter G. Stoneman in FE/VN, AID. Cleared in draft in the Department of State by Wood and Maechling, and in Defense and AID.