228. Editorial Note

On July 18, 1963, President Diem broadcast a message in which he informed the nation that, “at the proposal of the Interministerial Committee,” he had issued the following instructions: [Page 515]

  • “1—Ministerial order N. 358, dated July 9, 1963 regulating the display of Buddhist flag[s], be amended to extend its provisions, formerly applicable to the General Association of Buddhist[s] of Viet-Nam, to all sects which on their own initiative adopt the same flag.
  • “2—The Interministerial Committee closely cooperate with the Buddhist delegation in order to consider, inquire into and settle together, either by using reports and records or by investigation on the spot, if necessary, all complaints related to the implementation of the Joint Communiqué.
  • “3—That all cadres of the public and private sectors at all levels, each in his own sphere, by word and deed, actively contribute to the implementation of the Joint Communiqué.”

President Diem concluded his message by expressing his “hope that all of you, my compatriots, will take note of the utmost desire of conciliation of the government in settling the Buddhist problem.” He asked his listeners to “judge the facts objectively and to adopt an attitude and a behaviour which will permit no one to impede the march forward of our people in its mission of crushing the Communists for the salvation of the nation.” (American Foreign Policy: Current Documents, 1963, pages 860-861)

A translation of the message was transmitted to the Department in telegram 107 from Saigon, July 19. (Department of State, Central Files,POL 15-1 S VIET)