144. Telegram From the Embassy in Vietnam to the Department of State1

1093. CINCPAC for POLAD. US Consul Hue reports by phone this afternoon that around noon today crowd of approximately 500, primarily youths, gathered in front of Government Delegate’s office. Said about 300 troops were in evidence, but no armor. Crowd shouted at troops and accusations of foul play were hurled back and forth. German doctor spoke to crowd through interpreter, said as Catholic he could not counsel Buddhists but suggested they should pray instead of using violence. Crowd appeared responsive to him. GVN loudspeaker car then asked people to disperse, stating GVN could not be held responsible if trouble started. Crowd shouted back that GVN wished to kill them. GVN official responded over loudspeaker by saying that VC were among them in the crowd and could start trouble. Crowd expressed disbelief at loudspeaker’s statements.

Several GVN soldiers pointed weapons at crowd, then raised them above crowd. Latter shouted “stupid killers.” Troops then leveled bayonets, donned gas masks and proceeded in direction of crowd. Some people ran, others stayed and prayed, tear gas was thrown by soldiers and more of crowd ran away. Crowd was driven back several hundred yards and a second tear gas barrage was laid down by troops. Crowd shouted curses at troops. At this point representative of Buddhist Association chairman arrived, said chairman wished people either to go home or to pagoda. Most headed toward pagoda. Some youths, apparently injured by tear gas, were taken to pagoda dispensary. German doctor produced medicine for their eyes.

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Crowd was prevented from getting to pagoda by barbed wire barrier. Many of them, mostly Boy and Girl Scouts, sat down and prayed. At about 3 PM troops said that more tear gas would be thrown if crowd did not disperse within three minutes. Stone was thrown at soldier, who dropped his tear gas grenades to protect himself. At same moment order apparently given to troops to throw tear gas. Boy and Girl Scouts stayed put.

Consul Helble reports that more troops are being moved into area, equipped with masks. So far no firing has occurred, but crowd obviously disturbed.

Helbel also reports that Buddhist leader Tri Quang, who has been fasting since last Thursday, has been examined by German doctor and is reportedly in serious condition.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, SOC 14-1 S VIET. Confidential; Operational Immediate. Repeated to CINCPAC.