48. Telegram From the Embassy in Vietnam to the Department of State1

1013. We are running into increasing difficulties here with US newsmen. They claim they not being given sufficient opportunity to cover US participation in operations against VC, alleging embassy responsible for “blackout”. In effort head off some bad stories about “press censorship” and “clamming up by US officials Saigon”, Anspacher and I had long session today with several correspondents. It developed that they were sore (a) about being excluded from helicopter missions (pursuant CINCPAC instructions to MAAG 050547Z2); (b) my disallowal their request to board USS Core tomorrow at Cap St. Jacques; (c) discrimination arising from treatment Souchurek.

I had thought we were making some progress with US correspondents here and am concerned at their present attitude. In talking frankly with them, we drew distinction between coverage of introduction of materiel and personnel into SVN not reported to ICC, and coverage of use of US assistance after arrival in country. To facilitate full reporting of former flouts ICC and makes more difficult ICC decisions favorable to our side. Coverage of US assistance in country, however, where no security risks appear involved, seems justified and desirable.

Pending MAAGʼs reply to CINCPAC message above, request Washingtonʼs urgent consideration and advice re giving Task Force Saigon authority to decide on local correspondents’ requests to cover field operations in which US participating, including arrival of equipment when deemed advisable

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 951K.6211/2-662. Confidential; Priority. Repeated to CINCPAC for Polad and to the Department of Defense.
  2. Dated February 4, it rescinded earlier authorization allowing newsmen to accompany Vietnamese troops on helicopter combat missions. (Washington National Records Center, RG 319, HQDA Message Center, Reel 10793)