200. Telegram From the Department of State to the Embassy in Vietnam1

1367. UK Counselor Embassy Ledward informed Department May 21 that Ambassador Hohler postponing leave because of “difficulties over Delta Plan” and imminent arrival Australian Foreign Minister. According Ledward Colonel Lac now working on “static defense plan.” Delta Plan shelved in favor strategic hamlet program which is to have first priority under direction Ngo Dinh Nhu. Hohler asked Thuan about these difficulties, was told Thuan had raised relation between Delta Plan and strategic hamlet program at National Security Council meeting and decision was taken to incorporate Delta Plan into strategic hamlet program. Hohler also concerned because little contact between Thompson mission and Colonel Y of CIO.

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If Delta Plan in fact shelved Department shares British concern. Believe here that success in guerrilla conflict depends on rational plan applied steadily over long haul. Believe you should very strongly encourage GVN stick with Delta Plan if they wavering, second Hohlerʼs efforts keep GVN on track.

From here it appears strategic hamlets essential part victory over VC but concept of doubtful value if abstracted from whole fabric Delta Plan. Particularly concerned that Nhu may try set up too many strategic hamlets too fast. See grave danger VC may knock over number inadequately equipped and defended strategic hamlets, with result good basic concept discredited in eyes Vietnamese people, GVN, and US public opinion.

Would appreciate report status Delta Plan, strategic hamlet program soonest. Especially interested relation between two programs, number of strategic hamlets now planned and adequacy resources available for their construction.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 751K.5/5-2262. Secret. Drafted by Heavner. Repeated to London, Bangkok. and CINCPAC for Polad.