44. Telegram From the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Commander in Chief, Pacific (Felt)0

JCS 947046. 1. In anticipation of continued ChiCom action against the off-shore islands, the following actions are directed:

Reinforce US air defense forces on Taiwan from PaCom sources, including Air Force and Marine Air units at your discretion. Prepare to assume responsibility for air defense of Taiwan, using US forces to extent [Page 76] practicable. Advise if you desire to take over this responsibility prior to initiation of Phase II of your OpPlan CINCPAC 25–58.1
If you anticipate need for augmentation forces from CONUS as shown in Annex “A” OpPlan 25–58, advise JCS.
Prepare to escort and protect ChiNat re-supply ships to offshore islands.2
Augment 7th Fleet units as practicable. Clearance has been obtained to sail Essex and 4 DD’s from Mediterranean through Suez Canal for this purpose. e. Sail Midway and other elements of task group from Pearl Harbor and expedite sailing of two ChiNat LST’s now there.
in event major attack seriously endangers the principal offshore islands, prepare to assist ChiNats, including attack against coastal air bases. It is probable that initially only conventional weapons will be authorized, out prepare to use atomic weapons. Prepare, if the use of atomic weapons is authorized, to extend bombing of ChiCom targets deeper into China as required.

2. For your information:

SAC B–47 squadron of 15 aircraft now ready on Guam can be made available by JCS for use if hostilities broaden to require atomic attacks against mainland targets. This squadron has no conventional capability. Wing strength reinforcement can be ready for first strike 30 hours after approval of request.
6 F–100–F’s (two-place) aircraft for training by American crews of ChiNat pilots are enroute to Taiwan by air.

3. The following actions are being taken:

Department of Army being directed to expedite delivery of certain types of modern equipment for use of 7 divisions deployed on offshore islands. This will start moving at once and will close within 60–90 days.
Department of Defense has authorized restoration of Nike battalion to FY 59 MAP for expeditious dispatch to Taiwan. This unit will be originally manned by US personnel and progressively turned over to ChiNats. It will start in one month and be operational in two months.
Department of Defense has authorized furnishing within several months 3 additional LST’s and other landing craft as requested by ChiNat’s in MAP.

4. You may inform ChiNats of paragraphs 1 a, d, e, 2 b, 3 a, b, and c. Do not inform ChiNats of paragraphs 1 c, f, and 2 a.

  1. Source: National Archives and Records Administration, RG 218, JCS Records, 381 Formosa (11–8–48), Section 37. Top Secret; Operational Immediate. Also sent to COMTAIWANDEFCOM(US) and repeated to CINCAL, CINCLANT, CINCARIB, CINCONAD, USCINCEUR, CINCNELM, CINCSAC, COMUSFJ, COMTAC, USNMR, HICOMRY, COMUSKOREA, CINCSPECOMME. A copy is in Department of State, Central Files, 793.5/8–2558.
  2. Not found.
  3. Telegram 292223Z from CNO to CINCPAC, August 29, stated that this was meant to apply only to the islands listed in telegram 138 to Taipei; see footnote 1, Document 43. (Department of State, Central Files, 793.5/8–2958)