194. Telegram From the Embassy in the Dominican Republic to the Department of State1

239. Re: Deptel 193.2 Presence Prime Minister of Cuba and others reported Embtel 236.3 At Cuban Embassy reception last night Guell advised me that by now the most casual political observers should be aware of fact that Castro forces clearly infiltrated with Communist agents and Castro receiving support from international Communist movement. He stated that situation in Cuba presently most precarious [Page 314] since GOC has been unable to secure sufficient arms to mount adequate counter-offensive and that should GOC fall the difficulties within Cuba and the effect upon all of its neighbors would be more serious and of greater magnitude than Guatemalan take-over.

Prime Minister Guell further advised me that GOC was prepared to “do anything necessary” to assure continuation of constitutional government looking towards development full democratic regime and prepared to discuss problem along this line, presumably with influential representative Cubans and with US.

Concluded by stressing point that present situation can be salvaged only if US will do 2 things immediately: (1) supply arms to constituted government GOC and (2) give public support to GOC for psychological reason on basis aforesaid discussions.

No public announcement as yet made regarding reason for trip and business undertaken and due to fact Embassy requested make no inquiry I have as yet been unable to ascertain this information.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 737.00/12–2958. Confidential; Priority; Limit Distribution. Repeated to Havana.
  2. In telegram 193, December 27, the Department indicated that it had learned that Guell might be paying a brief visit to the Dominican Republic. It asked the Embassy in Ciudad Trujillo not to make inquiries, but to transmit any information it might obtain regarding Guell’s visit. (ibid., 033.3739/12–2758)
  3. In telegram 236, December 27, the Embassy listed the members of Guell’s party, which had arrived on December 26 and planned to stay until December 29. Guell had reportedly met with Trujillo on December 26, and the Embassy speculated that a secret agreement regarding aid to Batista was possible. (ibid.)