126. Editorial Note

On October 13, 1960, a Special Meeting of the National Security Council heard and discussed a presentation by the Comparative Evaluations Group (CEG) on AICBM (anti-intercontinental ballistic missile systems) pursuant to NSC Action No. 2300–h. (Note dated October 13; Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, NSC Records) No memorandum of this meeting has been found. Concerning NSC Action No. 2300, see footnote 10, Document 120.

Kistiakowsky’s diary entry on this meeting reads as follows:

“A special NSC meeting on the comparative evaluation of AICBM. The analysis was objective and, while not very conclusive, indicated the situation fairly well. Dillon again argued the danger of the psychological impact if the Soviets develop one ahead of us and so urged a strong program. The President emphasized the importance of a convincing demonstration [Page 491] that we have a capability but refused to accept the need of large deployment.” (Kistiakowsky, A Scientist at the White House, page 404)

The previous day, Kistiakowsky had attended the CEG’s preliminary briefing at the Pentagon. In his diary entry, he commented: “Nothing much wrong with the study, but it certainly doesn’t come to definite conclusions and probably can’t. In subsequent discussion, Dillon emphasized the psychological effect of the announcement that the problem has been solved by one of the opposing parties and urged greater intensification of the Nike–Zeus project. Other comments were of more detailed nature.” (Ibid., page 403)

Following discussion of the AICBM item on October 13, the Council met in regular session. (Memorandum of discussion by Johnson, October 18; Eisenhower Library, Whitman File, NSC Records) The section of the memorandum of discussion dealing with the status of national security programs is in the Supplement.