35. Telegram From the Ambassador in Vietnam (Durbrow) to the Department of State1

640. Ladejinsky called morning 3d to advise me Diem has asked him to proceed United States about October 20th. Ladejinsky gave me following reasons for trip:

Diem had received reports from Buttinger and Fishel indicating he gaining US reputation for being too arbitrary, dictatorial and “undemocratic” [Page 87] —that he losing popularity in Viet-Nam as well as in US. Various critical articles in American press and magazines along these lines last six months had already perturbed Diem. He complains American journalists coming to Viet-Nam recently have only spent one or two days here and picked up mainly derogatory rumors and have not spent enough time here to evaluate and analyze true facts re developments. Ladejinsky added Diem stated Chuong not too effective as advocate for Viet-Nam but he is not going to replace him. Diem hopes Ladejinsky can talk to Secretary Robertson, Parsons, Kocher and others to explain what GVN is trying to do and how and why they are required to operate.


Although Ladejinsky did not say so it is possible he will be asked by Diem, as latter planned for him to do last year, to make plea for increased aid or at least no cut from last year. Diem also probably perturbed that reports are circulating more freely here of increased power covert Can Lao Party. British and Australians have touched on this subject with Diem and as indicated in letters to Kocher and Despatch 1252 we too are somewhat perturbed about Can Lao developments but have not directly discussed matter with Diem. While see no objections to having Can Lao help run country and coordinate discipline and developments, there is always possibility such an operation may become more harmful than helpful. We will endeavor to get at least preliminary evaluation this complex semi-secret organization to Dept prior Ladejinsky’s arrival.

  1. Source: Department of State, Central Files, 851G.00A/10–358. Secret. Repeated for information to CINCPAC PolAd, Phnom Penh, and Vientiane.
  2. Document 33.